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Reviews for "You Love This Movie"


creative yet uncreative. The idea of making a flash about how to make a good flash for newgrounds viewers as been done to death but you just put a different spin on it. i do applaud that one reviewer though MasterSub-Link which is a perfect example of what you just pointed out in this flash. It is true that the popular hits automatically get high ratings even if their sequals are bad or not as good as the past ones. animation was alright for this little too much tweening though. Artistcally it had its pros and cons. your artwork on the other peoples characters were good but on your own was bad which i would think you'd want it to be the other way around if i were the animator lol. All and all i think you got a decent flash and desirved that front page spot. maybe not because it was the greatest flash but because it tells the flaws in the newgrounds rating system

RSQViper responds:

oh.. kay.....


There is such a thing as "too much." You had some good ideas, but man, it was so long! There were so many scenes that didn't need to be in there. Ninjas killing popular newgrounds characters is funny. For the first five minutes. Then it gets predictable. I wish it had been broken down into several episodes, rather than lumped together into something that was too much for our short American attention spans.

RSQViper responds:

But the killing didn't even last 5 minutes. What are you talking about?

And this would have been dumb broken into episodes. Really dumb.


About half way, because that's when I lost interest. The fighting was pretty funny, but then again, I'm kind of tired of the pointless violence on Flash cartoons just because people can do it.

What was with all the penises? haha.

It was decent, got got a chuckle or two out of me, but by the time Tom and Wade showed up, it lost it's spark on me.

Also, question.. what's with all the hate on illwill? sure, he may do the exact same animation over and over, but big deal. He's still made some funny points in his flashes.

also, probs on the Darkwing Duck thing XD

RSQViper responds:

The violence wasn't pointless, though. That should've been obvious. It had a plot and everything.

Thanks for the harsh review you made without watching the whole thing...

"You love this movie"? Sorry, can't say I did.

I don't doubt that you two put a lot of effort into this cartoon. I'm just saying that it doesn't really show.

Let's start with the graphics and animation -- nothing abysmal, but far from something that I would consider "good". The movements were blocky and unnatural, and the drawings themselves leave a lot to be desired. There really isn't much to do here but just keep practicing, I suppose.

But here's something you can fix right off the bat:

If I didn't know that this was created by two people, I would assume that the differences in the drawings were due to lack of artistic talent rather than two different "styles". I put "styles" in quotation marks because neither of you really have a unique style. To put it bluntly, they're both very generic.

The drawings themselves don't stand out - they have a very "hey, we're both new to Flash" feel to them. And there was no noticable difference in the animation styles... or at least a difference that I could see.

Though some parts were amusing, most of the humor was cheap, dry and overdone. Oh, and you dragged out the IWP gag for WAY TOO LONG. "Trace bitmap faster" was the only thing I found mildy funny out of that long, stale, unoriginal joke.

There wasn't much of a range with the voices. Also, try not to yell into the mic.

I know it seems like I've just been dwelling on the negative, but in the end, that's the stuff that really matters in a review. Better luck next time.

RSQViper responds:

I guess since you don't atually animate anything, ever you wouldn't have any idea of what lots of effort actually looks like so your review is basically a complete sham.

As for yelling in the mic, sorry, you gotta deal with it. Computer mics are only so good.

And I can't say I can get much better luck, so wtf are you talking about? Do you even KNOW what you're talking about?

Do me a favor and don't watch any more of my animations. Looking at your reviews you don't like ANYTHING anyway. Maybe you should stick to TouTube.

Wasting talent on immature jokes

I have a lot of respect for the talent of the creators of this flash - it is extremely well made and has a great idea behind it. However, I am shocked at the constant homophobia throughout the submission. I believe one of the lines in the movie from the authors says that the users who blogged their flash in the movie were "probably all thirteen-year-olds." This statement implies that the creators are of higher age and maturity than the thirteen-year-old bloggers. And yet they constantly use extremely immature humor in criticising homosexuals. "Gay" posters line the walls of the users they make fun of, gay cartoons make up the blackboard in the classroom at the beginning, and characters in the flash use homophobic slurs. It is shocking to me that that the creators put themselves above the thirteen-year-old bloggers while using humor that is discriminatory and immature. It is a shame that such a great storyline and flash talent were wasted on immature jokes. Furthermore, all acts of discrimination and homophobia should be far from Newgrounds, a place of community and creativity.

RSQViper responds:

ONE character uses homophobic slurs and if you ever look at blammed Flash you'll see where we got it from.

We don't discriminate ANYTHING and it's obvious except for the close-minded people out there, I guess.

Sorry you couldn't enjoy the Flash for what it was. You hd to turn it into what you wanted it to be. But that's not my problem really.

And no talent was 'wasted' in this Flash. It was fun to make and most people like it (obviously).