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Reviews for "jebus killer pt 1"

Dude learn to use layers.

Put the friggin' background on the last layer and LOCK it.
oh and until you actually get some madness talent, don't submit videos to newgrounds.


Well, Good.


a bit better but you gotta do more frams


Some body parts were badly positioned and reversed, the smiley guy's head was disproportioned, and the animation was too choppy. Keep trying...

the knife didn't seem to care about grafity?!

fucian, you shouldn't take this too serious. Madness Combat is about nothing, and it's literally about nothing. The real episodes do have a storyline, but that too is complete madness.

Krinkels - "Because Jesus Christ is a world renouned pacifist. I just love the idea of a strictly non-violent person shooting the place up and making zombies."

hankjwebaltin responds:

ok well thanks for the review.