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Reviews for "Bowling Alley"

Do you ever sleep?

Wow. You just keep pumping out music videos. There's no end to them. And the scary part is that they're all good. And this is no exception. Although it was a little short, it didn't lose any of it's style. Good job, I applaud you.

Good job.

Hold on... Dosnt evryone have dreems about bowling allys and danceing santas and hovercars? Im the only one... besides this guy (who is quetionibly insane) ... who has these kind of dreems all the time... oh no....

lol wut?

i swear to god im going to have nightmares now for like the next year....

Just a reminder: this is NOT YouTube. We do not leave comments here. We leave constructive critiques. <.< Anyway, this is pretty funny and relate-able. I know I have a lot of messed up dreams, and I don't do drugs either. The animation, direction, and audio quality are all great. I don't even know what I would add to it.

How creative can you be?