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Reviews for "ALIENS the Board Game"

"Marines, we are leaving!!!"

So well done, but the Power Loader vs. Alien Queen scenario really needs to be created, I mean everything else is here, why not that too?

But anyways this really is first class. I did a pretty good playthrough of the Reactor Mission and uploaded it to youtube, check it out for anyone that wants to know how to play this correctly.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPCXOS 9Pv0I

Please please please, Powerloader vs Alien Queen, make it happen!

Fantastic stuff, well done!

Well, I have just discovered this and have been playing it constantly for about a week now. I'm a MASSIVE Aliens fan since the eighties, and I still have both the original Leading Edge board game and its expansion. What you have made with this simply amazes me! Thank you so much.
Yes it's bloody hard, I have only Once managed to get all the marines out of the Reactor Room, alive and fully intact. Only to be wiped out to the last man in Operations - it was just Newt, in the end, scurrying down the tunnels... but she could not run fast enough!
I really hope you come back and make more with this game - we need the Ripley/Powerloader vs the Alien Queen scenario. I always found this one very difficult. Excellent work with the recent updates - I love the ammo restrictions (all too realistic!) and flame squares (really useful!) I would be thrilled if you added Facehuggers to the Rescue Newt scenario - and how about the good old Hunt The Queen? It's a must - especially if you've made it out of Ops with at least 3 or 4 people.
What could be improved? Not much really. I would ask that you increase the MUSIC play time - I just love James Horner's score and I'm very glad that you have included it - but please make the samples a bit longer. I find myself getting annoyed that the sound clips keep repeating after 20 or so seconds, and personally for me, making the music longer would be extremely satisfying.

I also think that the original colour-coding for the charatcers would be a good idea. It would stay faithful to the board game and make it a little easier to see who's who, especially when zoomed out. I'd like to see the game automatically scroll through through and hi-light the character whose turn it is, up the top of the screen. As it is currently, if you have say, more than 9 men alive, you have to left-click to scroll through the list in order to find the character (to check his status for example). It should just auto-scroll along from left to right, as the men take their turns. And could you make the manually driven left-right scroll happen automatically just by holding the mouse over the white arrow icons? For a speedy scroll though.
That should do for now. I'll post more thoughts/suggestions as they come. Brilliant work, though! Thanks again!


I am a Fan of Aliens the movie and that was an awesome game i cant wait till aliens colonial marines come out its on June 1st

Excellent but...

Dude you have got to get a feature that remembers the people you saved from the last map so you can use them on the next one, because I hate not having the 6 people I saved from the reactor to not be in the operations level.

The game was the best flash game I have ever played in existance though.
Do you think you will ever do a second one, more levels and weapons? Perhaps based on Aliens: Colonial Marines or your own original storyline?

homedrone responds:

I'm not sure what you mean by "remember the people you saved". If you mean you want to continue to the Operations map with the marines you escaped the Reactor with and so on, you can do that, just click on Continue Mission at the mission result screen.

The fact that you can't save to retry sequel maps with rescued marines more than once though, that's intentional.

"Best flash game ever" might be a little extreme, but I thank you for it anyway . I might remake it someday and include a mission editor, but I don't have any time scheduled for that yet.


Fantastic!!! Been searching the web for years to see if someone had done this.Loved the boardgame and expansion and you have stayed faithful to it.

Read a few of the review and found that some people were a bit miffed about aliens just appearing on their marines.I think this is mainly guys who havn't played the board game.Maybe to make things clearer you could add a toggle button to show the squares where the aliens can actually appear from.This would also be very useful tactically so you can try and avoid them.

Read somewhere that you are moving onto another project PLEASE DONT WE NEED MORE OF THIS!
HUNT THE QUEEN MISSION from the expansion would be a nice addition!
Custom scenarios?
Mission designer : )!
more more more!

Loved it mate nice one!

ps. Almost forgot, any chance of adding the rule from the boargame where the smart guns can take out 2 aliens with 1 shot when they are adjacent?

homedrone responds:

The double kill with the smart guns is already in there. Just be sure to choose the alien that is hardest to kill of any adjacent two. After you hit the first alien, a new set of targets will appear on any possible second kills.

Also, by playing from the 1st mission, when you arrive at the 3rd mission, you are essentially playing the HUNT THE QUEEN scenario from the expansion.

Thanks for the support.