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Reviews for "DDR Dave Thomas"

hahaha dave sucks and he's dead! the anim was good

heh, nice video.. very nicely made.. however personally i don't mourn the loss of dave.. im probably the first to say so, and maybe some of u guys will wanna kill me now that i've said that.. but relax. just cuz i think someone who's promoted killing pigs, cows and chickens in brutal ways and gets a good reputation by the majority of society doesn't mean im gonna follow. (they dont put the animals to sleep before killin' em.. they just put animals through the machines well alive). yeah, most people wouldn't even think twice.. most of yaz are all like "wwooo hoooo.. fry those fuckin stupid animals" and shit.. well i don't buy all that shit.. and if anyone wants to attack me back be sure to do your research. haha.. did he die of a heart attack cuz he ate too much meat??? that fucker deserves it.. he shoulda known vegetarians are 60 percent less likely to get cancer. vegetarians have more energy and all around bein vegetarian is better for soooo many ways. it improves your health... meat doesn't.
hahahahha.. now that's what i call funny shit. ironic? not really.
so fuck dave thomas.
my sympathies to the horse he rode in on.
ps: the video was good, nicely made.. nice flashing effects too.. i just don't like Dave or Wendy's altogether. (but im not rating you based on what i've said in my review).

My head hurts.

What the hell was that. That was almost as crazy as one of those goth music videos with the clay. That was weird. Can I buy some pot from you?

it's ok i guess

as a DDR fan, i kinda would have liked more. but as a fan of flash, this was pretty kool. it could have been better, but it could have been worse.

Seizure Warning

I didnt see a seizure warning everywhere and i am very prone to them. I couldnt finish watching it. What i did see of it was funny, but I nearly got sick. I would make sure to put up a warning

haha notbad

this was alright with me it didnt seem too much like ddr but it was still entertaining the animation was cool

Good vid
