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Reviews for "Mysterious Sleeper"

Real Guitar <3

Difficult as it may have been, the replacement of the fake-o guitar with a real one was AMAZING. I also enjoyed how you didn't let the native tempo of Dearly Beloved lock you in as many such remixes do.

The only thing I wish you hadn't cut out of Dearly Beloved was when they've got the little, whatchamacallit, three notes really fast instead'a two. I wanna say triplet but I've kinda let music slide since getting to college.

Not going to let that little detail of personal preference get in the way of the quality of the song itself. Excellent job! (Though if you DO have a version with the triplets I wouldn't mind hearing it XD)

NemesisTheory responds:

Thank you! I'm happy it was a risk worth taking :D

I might still add the triplet in the ending, possibly when I submit it to OCR but i definitely want it to be a little longer and slightly more adventurous when I do. ;o

I'll send you a PM once and if I do that! :)

fuck yeah

i just completed birth by sleep 2 days ago! such a good tune, you get into it instantly. my god the guitar just kicked in and its fucking epic. well played Nemesis Theory you never disapoint.

NemesisTheory responds:

did you beat the mysterious figure? because he sure did a number on me! :O

thank you for the appreciation and review <3


ALMOST DOUBLE SUBMISSION!!! AND I LOVE'EM BOTH!!!! <3<3<3<3<3 I have tears in my eyes, both because of awesome music and almost double submissions..... OH! Right! The song!!! Eeehm, I love it.. and.. It sounds action-filled, which is just awesome! I really like this one, actually.. Sounds like an epic battle-theme and gives me an adrenaline rush.... I think I'm in love again. You're awese. VERY awesome. You better believe it. And props for using a real guitar! I really liked it :D It was probably worth it despite the difficulty, and I really hope you're going to do that again. Oh, and the picture is cool too. This is going on my brand new iPhone. Jizz in muh pantz!!

NemesisTheory responds:


I'm happy it got you all excited like that lol XD
Thank you too for the comment about the guitar! :D Makes me want to practice even more so I can shred it like buckethead (lol right >.<)

anyway thank you for the review! <33

Am I Flying?

This mix is made for action and positive drama. It captures the very essence of why we win Kingdom Hearts games. True, it has no vocals, but that makes it all the better for curing my writer's block in a combat scene. I probably should be asleep, but I'm writing a review.

When the track begins, I'm immersed into it. And at 3:54 in the track and onward, I feel like I've accomplished something even though I'm just sitting here, doing basically nothing.

Great cover mix. The beat makes me want to move, and the electronic elements are well arranged. Even better, your debut with a real guitar is solid. Keep up the good work.

NemesisTheory responds:

i agree with the action and positive drama haha! that's totally like KH lol.

thank you for the comment about the guitar work <3 it means a lot! and ofcourse for the review as well <3

Well done

Maybe i'm wrong but i'm listening a bit of "fragments of sorrow" ( Another KH track on this one.
Really like the intro ( AGAIN ) XD

Well i never played KH bbs before but only KH 1 & 2 and KH 2 was my favourite one.XD

Well done.I really enjoyed listenning to it ^^ ( Downloaded ) ^_^




(i forgot to test your team at mvsc 3)XD

NemesisTheory responds:

No use of Fragments of Sorrow haha, but that is an awesome song too! also lol @ the intro thingy :D

i have to admit, I still need to beat kh2! i'm in the process of doing that, actually... :p

Thank you for the review and scores!
and you would kick my butt at mvc3 i think xD