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Reviews for "LOTR Dub (#2)"


Very good lip synching.

a bit lengthy

This was longer than my attention span, especially since I've already seen the movie several times. Still, the voiceovers were pretty good.

Homeless responds:

thanks for the review

(raises eyebrow in a questioning manner)

Why did you waste your time on this? No animation, no music, just one joke stretched as thin as it could go, and a few crude references to anal sex. Oh, and renaming Bilbo as Dildo.... still not sure if that was supposed to be funny.

I'll admit that some of the lines matched the established screen play well, such as the first scene, where Frodo confronts Gandalf about whether he likes Pokemon cards (I especially liked how the silent appraisal fit in to the modified script), but for the most part the quality was sub-par. Constructive criticism: try using different voices for different characters; shorten the clip to one scene that really fits, rather than many that don't; and, though you have the "spontaneous" aspect of the strip down pretty well, this seems largely due to disorganization on the recording side of the mic.

There is potential in the concept, but I think it would have been much better if you had really put some effort into it. Good luck on your next one...

Homeless responds:

how can you put effort into a movie dub? You don't need to do a long review full of constructive criticizim to say that you think dubs suck.

obviously, you didn't think this was funny and that's all that really matters when you make dubs.

thatnks for the review though

Too long

Short is funny.
This was long and kinda amusing.
you should have cut it down... and made the voices clearer, louder and funnyier.

its really not great... improve the script slightly.

Homeless responds:

I was about to cut it in half, but I didn't because I'm too lazy

Clearly, you cannot animate.

All it was was you talking over a movie

Homeless responds:

I have some animtions on Newgrounds. My 32 submissions aren't all dubs ya know. I also do flash and clay. check them out if your interested. :DDDDDD