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Reviews for "Mass Attack"


Good game for some but not for me definately not my kind of game.


I almost got past level 5, but once I failed level 4/4 for the third time, I realised that the game had just become way too difficult.

I understand your hall of fame thing is supposed to be hard to reach, and so I humbly admit defeat.

Now, my criticism isn't about that, it's about the sheer repetitiveness of the game. It's like you came up with a decent, pseudo-physics basis for a game, then didn't bother to elaborate on it or improve it. All you did to keep the player engaged was increase difficulty, decrease no. of tries allowed and so on and so on. Not only is your "engine" fairly simplistic (although I'm sure it took a while to make, don't get me wrong) but the game has nothing to say for itself other than the basic principle of the "engine".

Try and release a new one with, say, different types of gameplay. Speed balancing, 3 way scales, a tournament style game where winning one round gets you new balls that you gradually put on a main scale, trying to balance it out by the time you win the final match.

Ok, so that's what I came up with from a moment's thought, and believe me I understand that it takes a lot of time and effort to implement that in a game, but it would be worth it for the major increase in quality you'd find for your efforts.

Anyway, decent concept, needs expanding. 5/10

good but it gets boring fast

its pretty good but after like 5 minutes it gets boring

Hmf easiest thing to cheat on

Well i have to tell you theres one way to cheat and bea it easily. So ill share this with you, When the balls are abou to drop you make a ball and push them ot the side so theres no weight. Then you just lightly tap your mouse and TA DA easy win. SO fix it ok

OK @