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Reviews for "Awesome Video Games Ep16"

Here I am, yet again.

Apparently I was absolutely cruel and unusual in my last post. (Woo hoo! I pissed people off!) But I'll try and be more constructive because I'm not entirely heartless.
This one was a little better than the others because the camera wasn't really annoying. However, there are some hits and misses:
Hit: You guys are comfortable in front of the camera and it shows.
Hit: The camera is used effectively. (I know what's going on, though it's rediculous.)
Miss: Acting is mediocre.
Miss: No engaging plot or storyling.
Miss: Color changes didn't contribute to the video.
Miss: Poor logical thinking for the characters. This gives me nothing I can relate to. (You guys aren't down to Earth.)
Miss: Minute amount of characters. (Two to three and maybe "rob") This might work for maybe a rant like Foamy, but not this kind of series.

Suggestions: If you submitting stuff to newgrounds, make it a flash. Your submissions are continually taking the place of actual flash artists on the front page. It's insulting to them as it is insulting to the newgrounds public (Whether they or you realize it or not.)
As a video, it isn't something I could find myself watching twice or recommending to friends but it isn't absolutely atrocious either. (It's stupid, but not poorly made.) Three things would hugely change my outlook on this series:
1.) Improve acting.
2.) Improve script
3.) Bring in other characters.

Now, my final word is this: This is a "flash" site, not a video site. No matter how well you do here, i will always blam it because it's not suppose to be here.

FarFromSubtle responds:

Rock on Vulgaris. Your reviews are INTENSE! Thanks for watching.


I will attempt to be original in my review of this, but is of course is becoming increasingly difficult with each new episode. You leave very little room for us to positively score your "flash" videos.

I am not completely confused by the flash concept itself, though I do have issues with it. I am more concerned with why these episodes continue to show up on FP. The quality is decent. But here is my qualm in a nutshell.

You do not have an actual premise to this series. I'm not entirely convinced your play it down style is even done on purpose. Your flash is somewhat, lacking here. You may honestly find a more suitable place for your videos on a widestream video hosting website. If you go to a popular search engine I'm sure you could find a video hosting site you would prefer.

Please please please leave www.newgrounds.com Flash Portal to truly aspiring and dedicated Flash Artists. I know there is a place for you, I just don't feel that this is the place. I am dissapointed in NG for placing this on the FP.

Goodluck in your endeavors Chet and Ace, I hope I have made some helpful suggestions.

Reconsider your community

FarFromSubtle responds:

We could never leave NG bro, there are WAY too many awesome dudes and dudettes!

My biggest question to you.

Why do you keep making these? Its not even really flash and the humor is terrible.

FarFromSubtle responds:

Be sure to stop by FFSTV.com and check out our latest AWESOME episode!

LOTS more to come, so don't worry!

not to say anything but i had to

its really i dont even have a word for it and they take the idea from the angry video game nerd. and the angry video game nerd is way better in my ways! this sent me off and i cant stand it! y would u make one with 2 people going i quote "awesome!," it puts shame on them. and not to affend the guys who made it but y did u make it if u new it wus going to take the angry video game nerds videos?

FarFromSubtle responds:

Whoa dude, we can't understand your review! Remember, punctuation is AWESOME!

This was done really well but...

It just lacked a decent plot, humor, and violence? There could of been something.... but i cant say it was bad... cant say it was good. I dont even know. Just... if someone reads the reviews before they watch, take my advice and dont watch this because thats like 6 minutes you'll never get back. And you want that 6 minutes huh? Think about it, you can still watch it, i mean im just a person giving an opinion. but if you like live action watch it. but... if i were you i wouldnt. And to the artist, at least i gave you one star. for your effort. you deserve it.