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Reviews for "Half Beard"


I know that I've always wanted a Half Beard and now I will grow one seeing as I am very excentric.....and the "reverse goatee" is actually called mutton chops

Bobert-Rob responds:

Well, almost mutton chops. What you couldn't see is the fact that there's hair under the chin connecting it. See, 'reverse goatee' is the exact opposite of a normal goatee. Where in a normal goatee (from what I see usually), it's just the hair on the chin, where the reverse goatee would be hair everywhere else except that one spot on the chin, whereas mutton chops are just sideburns fused with a righteous mustache (from what I can tell anyway). But yeah, it does look a lot like mutton chops from that angle. I wanna grow mutton chops someday, just to say I've had them at one point. That is, if I could ever grow a good mustache. My mustache is kind of weak at the moment.
...holy hell, could I deviate any further from the topic? Sorry bout that. Anyway, thanks for the review! It's good to know I'm inspiring a lot of half bearded love. ...or IS IT?!

And the world now has a new superhero.. HALFBEARD!

Before I even saw that you made it, seeing the title, Half Beard, made me think it was going to be about Rob... seeing the icon and made by you confirmed that :)

Who knew beards could talk? Weird actually... I thought it was Johny messing with Rob from outside the door there for a minute... then decided, yep, they talk.

Best quote of it all, "Well, I've never been tested, but by popular opinion would lead one to believe that I am." that just made it all the sweeter, not that it was completely funny, but well... probably true :\

And when Rob says child trapped in a mans body... like the whole thing or just the mind?

And im guessing Johny is off RuneScape now? Called it runegay, and no other references to it... well there goes another idea for an entire episode :P

No wonder Rob always seems happy, he can think of a way to turn an insult into a complement; "the truth is exactly the opposite of that" "exactly as I said I know!"

And just when you think it can't get any better, 3/4 and 1/4 beard steal the show! Only to be foiled by Robs weird beard move... a super power it is!

And I did watch the Extras by the way, no hating me for that :D

Dang it... I can't guess where Rob got that theme form in the beginning... NOOOO! Why must the good die yo- err, not get cookies!? And little bug, at the end, the button to the main menu is flashing a black rectangle ever so often...

And YES, I did review this while watching it! Something this awesome can not have just a small, 'great movie!' comment, no; it must have a giant one showcasing every great part of it! And not only that... but the assurance that it will be read in full and make people waste time doing so! Mwuhahaha!
But really, GREAT JOB! Can't wait until 5 :D Which, as you said, might be a couple months... But I can wait!

Bobert-Rob responds:

Lots and lots of feedback here. Yes.
Beards can talk when they're called out like Rob did. Unless you make note to speak to them, they'll never speak a word. That and Rob's crazy, so perhaps we were listening into his mind...? Wait, I'm thinking too literally, that's bad!
The Child trapped line is more of a statement of how he constantly acts childish, so it's just mental. And that's not to say he's literally retarded, he just really enjoys acting stupid. He can be intelligent, but prefers to be idiotic. It's more fun.
John isn't off it, I just hate making references to it. Episode 5 will make a tiny reference to it, but it won't focus on it.
3/4ths and 1/4ths beard truely are awesome. When writing, it was one of those moments where I'm like "Damn, they're at the game... now what? Something awesome has to happen." and then that just burst in my mind and I had to do it. Fraction beards are the best kind, you know.
I don't hate people who don't look at the extras, I just appreciate the ones that do that much more. All who enjoy my works are loved, worry not! Loved... in a platonic way, of course.
Ok, I'll give you a hint: It's from a Megaman game. Yes. Not from a popular one, though, which is what might throw a lot of people off.
Episode 5 will take longer than a few months... I'm going to say it'll be done early next year, since I just recorded my dialogue from it, but as we all know, shit can happen that delays these things. It will get done, though. Hopefully.
Well thanks for that long review there! Appreciated, kindly. Take care, now.

First, you amaze me with Treeva Experience.

Then I finally get around to watching Siblings and my gut will never recover from this bust. I'm DEFINITELY faving you, because you're awesome. I wanna hang out with you. AND THE GLORIOUS HALFBEARD! =D

Bobert-Rob responds:

Why thank you! Glad to hear you enjoyed it. That half beard is glorious, isn't it? lol. Thanks for the review!

One of the best things I've seen in a long time.

I think I'm going to work on growing one of those.

haha xD

that was a really funny history xD
congratulations for your hard work ;)