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Reviews for "HK's Phoenix Wrong 2"


I'm sorry but that awful. it lacked any sort of character and i didn't laugh once. Perhaps the idea of Phoenix Wrong has lost its flare or outstayed its welcome for me but...

Leave it to Ashford in the future.

Nothing Special

There was nothing special about it. The mouth movements matched very well with each scene but the scenes themselves were not funny or entertaining in anyway. It's nothing more than random clips thrown together.


was well put together but how random can u get

I am disappointed

Overall 4/10:
honestly, this could have gotten a much better review from me, if only you took the time to improve the sound quality. I was really expecting something hilarious, but a lot of your material was spitballed, and on newgrounds, things have to be spot funny, any other form of joke usually gets bad ratings, because it only appeals to a portion of newgrounders.

Originality 2/10: sure, it's a tribute, but with the time you spent making a tribute, you could have been making something that OTHER people would want to tribute

Sound 1/10: as I already said, your sound quality was one of the most unrefined qualities I have ever heard on newgrounds. PLEASE... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get better sound, along with half of half of your jokes not amusing me, the other ones, I couldn't even hear/understand.

"Tha' Funny" 2/10: I honestly wasn't amused by this flash, please, work on your material. and for the record, what I said in my overall rating (incase you didnt understand) is that your jokes were "spitballed" in otherwords, jokes from movies and or web comics/forums/any other media. the problem with those kinds of jokes is that they are not "spot" funny, which basically means, someone who is completely unconnected with the internet, or one of those mediums won't get it.

you have potential, but like the days before we had spellcheck, you NEED to look over your work, and REDO! REDO! REDO! always refine your material. good luck!

HibiscusKazeneko responds:

Sound quality is tough. I actually used Audacity to pitch up PWY's song. The FMJ sounds sounded OK outside of Flash; but when they were exported into the .swf file, they became staticky for some reason.
Wait until you see my next Phoenix Wrong; it'll be a smash hit, I assure you.

?.....O-o weird things .

the shows that you copy off from other videos into your are not that appealing to me mostly weird but I am giving a thumbs up for your effort on this video so don't be sad ok.......