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Reviews for "B7 Lance Battle Final Remaster"

Impressed? I am!

This song kicks ASS, and for me to say this is no small feat. I am among the most hardcore metal fans out there, and I am often very picky about what I consider great metal and kick ass. THIS, my friend, is both.

The intro is very appropriate, but the best part is you don't even need it for the song to still be awesome. I also love the fact you kept the 8-bit synth as part of of the song, but it fit and it wasn't overused. In fact, every single part of the song it debuted in it kicked ass. The riffs are awesome, non-repetitive, the drum fills are awesome, the song maintains a heavy, ass-kicking, metal pace throughout. In fact, this song is almost like a hybrid of Jeff Loomis and Dethklok. I love it!

I can find nor nitpick anything reasonably negative from this song, and I declare it awesome. 10/10, 5/5. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go dunk my head in a bucket of water, as my hair is on fire and my face is melting

Burn7 responds:

Thank you. I'm really glad I'm getting reviews from metal fans who are specific about their metal. I'm exactly the same way. There are some really, really great metal artists out there. And then there is a lot of just... shit.

Seriously, seeing reviews from dudes like you are the reason I still write metal.

Thanks for being an indie supporter, even if it's just because I wrote a single cool song :D

so epic

this goes straight into my ipod!

Burn7 responds:

I'm getting bored responding to all the reviews regularly, so I'm gonna make this interesting as well.

This is the 4rd review with the word 'Epic' in it.

Other things involving the number 4:

- The number of strings I hate on my bass guitar.

- The amount of cups of coffee I drink on a bad day at work.

- The number of times I try with a love interest before I say "FUCK THIS" and just give up.

- The number of minutes I can pay attention to the news without getting seriously angry at all the bullshit they show on TV.


This makes me have the necessity to play again my old GB Gold Pokemon Version again xD

Burn7 responds:

Go do it! The game is AMAZING.

Minus the part where it's sooooo slow sometimes.


I love the fact that you metalized a Pokemon song! They need to do this for some of their battle songs. I would be headbanging and kicking ass at the same time... Fawk yeah.

now THIS is fitting to fight 3 dragonites in one fucking final battle. the epicness in this track can't be calculated in human numbers, dude, hands down one of the best metal tracks on NG. rock on.