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Reviews for "Alkie Kong 2"

oh the musid does it all

way to pump up the adrenaline with great music


This is no doubt one of THE best puzzle games I've ever played, and I am not fan of a puzzle game. *wink* *wink*

loved it

espicially considering it has medals.

My God this was one hell of a game.

After truly seeing the bright side of this game it is a full-time favorite.
I shall never forget two words after getting the almost impossible to get medal as people say, "Drunken Deity". I don't think I ever played a game for so long that I almost lost my mind until finally the day came to see a champion standing. This game has incredible graphics, has a nice touch of music to it, and last but not least the programming is flawless. For people that are struggling and are Medal Whores such as I here are some tips.

-[Survivalist and all others]
Play the game on easy first until You get Survivalist and all the other medals and leave Olympian and Drunken Deity last.
After mastering Easy mode the secret to mastering Normal mode is to master all the boss fights and levels 13, 14, and 15. to do this play those levels around 3-5 times a day flawlessly completed and wait until a whole week passed and eventually you will succeed.
-[Drunken Deity]
Now for the hardest of them all. Be prepare for this is truly a another whole level of difficult. Now you have to get hit less than 2 times and now you have to be extremely stealthy for the bats speed level is 5x faster and the molties move 3x faster than any difficulty. To start off practice each level 3-5 times strictly everyday until you flawlessly mastered it. Now In my opinion the hardest levels were 6 (Beginning evasive maneuvers), 9 (Time Consuming), and 14 (Both level 6 and 9 descriptions). Now if you think you mastered every single level that go for the hardest medal of them all. Now if you mastered all the levels and keep dieing than follow this chart.
Die on levels 1-5 = Try a lot harder next time and repeat these a lot more often these set of levels are really just a game of skill.

Die on levels 6-10 = Here I would understand level 6 for this is truly a hard level for in the beginning you get pelted with a moltie following a barrel then a bat and right after another barrel. Jump over the moltie then chuck the metal keg at the bat jumping over the barrel at the same time and now to just avoid the barrels then hen near Alkie Kong get on the platform at throw it at him. As soon as you throw it then jump on the next platform IMMEDIATLY or else you will lose a heart. Drop back down to the bottom floor and go to the right most platform that moves don't jump on it chuck the barrel at Alkie and then duck as he swings being still hopefully on the first floor evading barrels. At the top floor just throw it at him since he wont swing anymore. Level 9 which is very easy to run out of time on and die and drop to your doom due to the evil bat that lurks on the bottom floor. This set is really testing how well you can evade bats and how you use the key to your on advantage such as killing bats with it for instance. If you keep dieing on these than I highly recommend you just keep on trying to master them with the level codes.

Die on levels 11-12 = This set isn't really that hard other than the fact that the bats may completely rape you on level 11 if you aren't careful at the most. Really the secret to level 11 is to throw the first crate that comes at you at the huge golden container to the left as for the key and the next two crates just wait for the molties to pass by and just grab 'em and go. Chuck the key to the platform to the right standing on the to crates and then just lightly throw it next to the right golden barrel. From then on out just carry the key to the door. Don't get mad since level 12 is just a game of luck as Alkie randomly chucks barrels at you just be careful to avoid the rolling kegs while hitting the switches and obtaining the crates.

Levels 13-15 = THIS SET IS PURE HELL! Just master them is all I can say. for level 13 just avoid the molties and bats for as long as you can. As for level 14 all I will say is practice for me myself I have to real strategy for this level sadly. The same strategy applies for level 15 as you did on your first play through but sadly there are a bunch of bats flying at high speeds.
Amen to Alkie Kong.


Love it