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Reviews for "interpol-evil (compresed)"

Well, it wasn't great...

... but it still beats a heck of alot of the effortless shitspam we get in the portal. It was horrendously off sync, and please, try to clean up your drawins and stuff a little. Lot's of really rough edges, and it just didn't look as great as it easily could have with some time spent making sure things were smooth and clear.

Here's how I'll break it down. I like the song well enough. The attempt was good, though it was a pretty static music video in all. Not much happened, but your're just starting out, so that's ok. The graphics were decent, though not super original or really great. I didn't just close it, so there's that. Maybe spend mroe than just a week next time? And don't be afraid to experiment and try something a little more complex. It was simple, but still lacked elegance, so work on a stronger style.

Anyway, I voted 3.

WOW! Nice song, and animations!

The only thing i can say is fix the animations to go with the song... but other than that its awesome! good song, and animation

here it goes

I'm not a big fan of the animation. Looks like it was made in microsoft paint. The video was off from the soundtrack. I'm also not a big fan of the music.

Keep working hard on improving. Maybe get more of a sketch look to your animations. make them look hand drawn.

Ehh.. sync please?

1. That preloader looks waayyy better if the movie is at 30 FPS
2. Spelling?
3. I'm not sure what the cause is, but it is wayy out of sync
4. (especially if you put it at 30 FPS) The animation could be a lot smoother
5. Don't scribble. ever.

I hope that helps, I am sure that if you would just redo the art and get it in sync (and fix the spelling) it would be so much better.

Nice try (I voted 5 for the heck of it by the way)


It's great! but I noticed that the timing came off right near the beginning. I'd fix it, it does get irritating after a while; seeing the images for the last said verse of the song. . . it's tolerable when dealing with sound to a movie once and a while, but music is not so much forgiving.