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Reviews for "Tower Bloxx"

Agh, I'm so bad at this...

But I must keep playing!
Very fun game, very well done.


I liked it very much!

I think I love you :]

That was mad fun, yo.
I mean, it was pretty simplistic, but that's probably what kept me playing.
I'm a sucker for games that don't have many different buttons, and games that anyone could pretty much just jump into.
Now only if I could align those darn towers...

It would've been a better experience for me if I hadn't played "thor towers," which has the same basic mechanics of the game, though this one has a lot more to it.
Over time, it kindof gets a little repetative, but I still love it none the less.
Keep up the good work!


Most impressive. I gotta say it's different than the mobile version.


this game rockz...super adictive...im late for work becuz of u now! i wouldnt change a thing