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Reviews for "MiniTut: Keyboard+Object"

One screen?

Haveant you ever seen the tutorials here on Ng. And how they are animated? Those ones have at least somthing good, but this dosent. Sure its helpful, but all tutorials are. You have to make it so its captivating enough to send noobs watching your tutorial. Not to mention more then one screen and copyable text on the flash. Anyway poor tutorial, and way to boring.

i dont get it...

i didnt really like it. it was only one frame for one thing, but what really bothered me was that you used like four people and all that action script just to rotate an object, when you could have done that in about an hour, with less action script, and one person. not too good of a show, also, i see no excuse for not putting in a preloader, it takes about two seconds to download and maybe a minute to put in your flash, also, if people were distracted by the music, put a mute button.

ADR3-N responds:

The excuse for no preloader: We had no time to do that and my comp is running on a 400 processor flash sometimes bluescreens it even.

Well, not all of us are extremely knowledgeable about it. I see your point though and I respect you for pointing that out.

Just... not good.

A single screen? Way too messy. It would have even looked slightly more professional had you picked better and more consistent font colors and placement.

I wouldn't even call it a tutorial if you don't explain what it is you are doing. Explain the code, explain the possible usage. With a tutorial, people want to learn, not be hand-fed bits of knowledge that they may or may not be able to apply. I strongly sugest that you learn to use Flash yourself before you go trying to teach it to other people.

Lastly, I'm just going to state my wonder at the fact that you boast 3 people having worked on this. That is all. Thanks.

ADR3-N responds:

Well, it was a bit rushed, plus, we did say it was a mini tuturial you know.

Well, if you paid attention, you'd see that there's a variety of uses, including tuturials themselves. See, I have to go through a lot of things to get a collaborated tuturial done in one day, like getting the info needed, art, coding, color choices, possible mistakes, it is a long list to tell the truth.

In fact, 3 people did work on this, and that's how we got it done in less than a day! Well, since you weren't overly rude, thanks for reviewing so in the future our movies can be improved!