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Reviews for "Jedi vs. Ninja"

the jedi would win no matter what

the jedi would just crush him with force no matter if the ninja s at peace with anything it doesent matter about what theninja does the only way the ninja would win i if the ninja found a poision that kills medicloreians thats the germs in jedi blood that lets him use the force to d therefore the jedi would be useless cos the mediclorians would die and ot able to use force there no messed up logic just plain jedi mitholigy oh and the ending was pretty crap both die lol soo nooby.
p.s. no im not a nerd just a guy who watched starwar since he was able to see i dont care what u think to EAT MY HAT AND HAVE DIAREEIA

cool vid, but...

the jedi could have ended it so fast with a lightsaber throw.

ActiveObjectX responds:

but he didn't.


I stopped watching after the ninja started doing Naruto shit.
Ninja's have no powers. They are simply regular people with training in martial arts and weapons combat. Jedi don't wield red lightsabers.

You fail at being a nerd.

This is what happen when Naruto fanboys make flash

Ok, that was crap. You were obviously biased. You made it just so the ninja would win and you can tell because of the very poor fight you made the Jedi put up. I mean, the Jedi by any standard was just a stupid yutz with a big mess of Force powers.
First of all, learn what the Force is. What you described is not the Force. He didn't need to be immune to it to put up a fight either. In Star Wars the Jedi fought against many who were susceptible to the Force and they did not necessarily automatically win every battle just because they could use it. Order 66 wouldn't have been very successful if the Jedi could all just crush every trooper they came into contact with would it have? Not to mention bounty hunters, etc. who hunted them down. Some didn't even do it with blasters either. Some preferred to do it with melee weapons. Hell, other Jedi weren't immune to the Force so why the hell would your statement about your ninja be true? You could still choke another Jedi, or push him, or whatever.
Okay, now let's continue with your flash under your conditions. He's immune to the Force. Ooookay. Why else do I think it's biased? Well, at the beginning he senses the ninja... but gets hit anyway! Ok, maybe he just didn't react, whatever. Also, he gets out his saber, swings it three times.. three times.. then when it gets a shuriken in it just decides it's more useful to use the hilt as a projectile than to have his saber by his side so he throws it at the ninja! PERFECT sense! If he would have kept his lightsaber and FOUGHT with it still would have been a 10 second battle regardless of the fact that he can't use the Force on the guy. But nooo, let's see if I can get this extremely agile figure who can dodge everything I throw at him with all the trees surrounding me. It may have worked if he would have uprooted practically every tree around him and sent them spiraling in a circle around him like some sort of shield but again, we're dealing with one of the dumbest Jedi ever. You know, he could have been deflecting all those throwing stars with his saber rather than stopping them in the air with his powers as well.

Yet another thing, for God's sake do research or something if there's ever a next time. Jedi don't get around like Dragon Ball Z characters or whatever. They don't need to blast the ground behind them to jump high. Ever heard of a Force jump? They just jump up pretty normal like... except higher! In fact, he probably should have been moving a little bit like the ninja. You made him all clumsy though. Jedi are pretty agile and poised too ya know. There are also a lot of Force powers, but the Jedi power-beam attack is most certainly NOT, I repeat, NOT NOT NOT amongst them! Do NOT try to justify it in any way. They never did anything like this and never will do anything like it. I almost stopped the thing right there when I saw the guy readying the attack.

Ok, there. Something needed to be said about this biased garbage. I may be biased as well, but I think I may have received it better if it resembled an actual battle. I mean, the ninja was not harmed. AT ALL. Well, he was sort of harmed at the end, except according to you it was some shadow clone nonsense so I'm inclined not to include that. Could it possibly be that if you made a Jedi that knew what he was doing in the first place that one well-placed attack from his saber would probably had taken off a limb/cut him in half and the battle would have been over? Heh

Don't get confused, now. I'm not angry or anything (though the whole power-beam thing got me close), I just couldn't stand by without pointing out what others apparently could not plainly see. I would've loved to see a more balanced battle, but that obviously wasn't what you were aiming for.

ActiveObjectX responds:

I love how you called me a naruto fanboy when there was only two references to naruto. If you want to know the truth, when i started the cartoon, I had the intention of having the jedi win. But that means nothing, cause what I wanted to do was just making something entertaining and that would keep building. In the end the ninja won in a ninja fashion.

The problem with your explanation here is that it still doesn't change the fact, the jedi coulda just used the force to crush the ninja if he wanted, meaning no fight. There has to be a reason why the jedi cant crush the ninja. Sure, maybe it doesn't follow star wars logic, but heck I had come up with some reason. If you didnt buy it thats fine. Oh yeah, and I know the force is invisible, but I for the sake of the flash, i had to make is so that there was some little sign the jedi used the force on an object (besides sound).

The whole ninja stabbing the jedi thing, i thought it was a good way to show people the power levels right at the start. I mean, the jedi just rips a tree in half. The ninja does a three star attack, which the jedi stops. But then the ninja lands a scrape. Even with the power differences, and the jedi knowing where the ninja is, the ninja landed an attack. I just thought it was an interesting build.

Using the force instead of the lightsaber. The jedi woulda just left his backside open for an attack if he did that. Now the saber broke when the star hit it. Maybe the sound effect wasn't loud enough, but after that the jedi had no apparent use for it and launched it at the ninja. Now for the ending to work, the lightsaber wasnt actually broken it still had a little juice in it and the jedi knew that so hid it with the force to save it for later use. So maybe the jedi knew it was an even battle and had to take hits to learn the ninja's abilities. You didn't like the way the Jedi fought using the force instead of the saber. Well, maybe if you think about it, a ninja is a close combat specialist, and isn't it possible it would be too risky to go straight up offense. I mean, he did easily dodge the jedi's attacks.

Ok, in this paragraph you seem to have gotten you really mad. The force jump, I know what it is. But for the sake of making an interesting animation, I wanted him to charge the force and fly into the woods with a bang. Just for entertainments sake. The whole, dbz thing. The ninja used hadouken (you didnt seem to catch that being a street fighter reference, nothing to do with naruto). The force, in the cartoon, I portrayed with white blurring circles. Force beam, I know I know, its not real, but hey, who cares. He just used the force and launched it at the ninja. Instead of making it invsibile(which is what it really is) i used white. A telekinetic beam. And he created the explosion. Yeah, you still dont prolly buy that, but hey, its just a cartoon : )

Ninja is a ninja, all up here in mystery. He wasnt harmed but the jedi was, big deal, just how much damage you take isnt what qualifies you as a winner or loser. Eh whatever. I forgot about the ending shadow clone thing, that was another naruto reference. Naruto naruto naruto. The only naruto reference was the way he summoned the dragon, and the shadow clone thing, seriously. I should take that out of the credits, cause the ninja is really based on naruto so much if you actually watch the cartoon. I love throughout the review your going nuts about naruto ninja and me being biased. I was biased in one direction, making the fight entertaining throughout the entire thing. I wanted it to build. I felt at points, it looked like the jedi was gonna win, and other points, the ninja would win. But whatever, atleast this cartoon got you pissed off enough to write me a giant review saying why it sucked. I wonder if you woulda had the same response if the jedi won in the end....
thanks for the review and criticism Vulond, mucho appreciated. You gave me a 1, instead of a 0,

U waste my time...

When I see it first I thought it was funny, but really it`s crap... The jedi will finish that ninja in less than a sec... no matter jutsu an all those things.

ActiveObjectX responds:

let me speak your language

u a dummy head