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Reviews for "YAAFM 13: Pres. Bush 2"


Been there, done that. Why dont you just take a ball bat and hit every major controversy over the president like a mad bull in a china shop. Oh wait, you just did.

Boring, Boring, Boring. Please try to stay current and not revive old beaten arguments. This was a simple bush hating piece with no real objective in mind but to bash the president. Again, yawn. I think the most recent one I found funny was the one called Flood! where Bush stands atop the white house and blows people away. I didnt nessacarily agree with the authors views, but damn if he didnt present it in a funny way.

Picture selections are obviously designed to bias the viewer into thinking Bush is an idiot and the obvious use of such has been done over and over. We get it. You dont like Bush. So what?

Shooting fish in a Barrel

Bush (again) is a little too easy of a target for you. In fact he's too easy of a target for anybody. I'm really tired of hearing everybody complain about him and saying the same thing over and over again. (Most of which is straight from Moore's Movie) It is very clear that he is a fucking moron. You already proved it once before why do it again? Why not go after Tony Blair for following this fool? Or the other countries Bush dragged along like the person before me suggested?

Well....Everyone is Entitled to Their Own Opinion

Eh, the graphics were good, the voice acting was good, but I am sorry I just dont agree with the message, I know I will get flamed for my opinion most likely but *shrugs* My opinion is that if we dont stop the major terrorist groups now, they will come back to bite us in the butt a few years later. Aaaaaand...how many people were supporting the war when it started? the American people think "oh, we will go to war and it will get stopped really quickly!" War is never a quick thing, people should have realized that before they supported it just to turn around and say it is bad. and the reason we are policing their country, is because right now, they cant, we would just end up setting the stage for another tyrant to come into power, and come back to bomb us in about 20 or so years, if that. I am not saying that all the reasons for going to war were justified, I know there are quite a few reasons for this war lost in deligations and paper work long ago, and please, I do not mean to sound like I am trying to cast your opinion aside saying it is wrong, far from it actually, it is your opinion, and you are free to, and have the right to tell the world what your feelings are, as you have on Newgrounds (which I personally think is one of the best ways to send out an opinion on something like this), but as you have voiced your opinion, I just wanted to state mine, as I lack the skill required to make a flash movie, let alone to the same graphical level yours was in. Thank you for your time.

funny at some parts

It was funny at some parts. But most of it was political... Not really what i come on new grounds to hear. Plus all of our boarders are open and the terrorist are probably already in this country. Maybe there will be more attacks here. Man its crazy to think about how some people can kill others just to get virgins and sacrifice there life for there religion. And i agree with u. I hate a lot of things bush dose especially with immigration.

It just goes on...

..and on and on and on.

Right comedy - for the right mindset.