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Reviews for "YAAFM 13: Pres. Bush 2"


September 11 was only a circus made by Bush and company to justify his xenophobic and nazi policies and of course to take Iraq's oil.


Hope you guys also know that we're now giving weapons to the Shiite Insurgency, so they would attack the Al Quada insurgents. ...The same Shiite Insurgency allied with Iran and have to do with most IED attacks in the past. What kind of retarded logic is that?

It's getting rediculous there. The people don't trust the police anymore because the police are corrupted as hell. So, whole neighborhoods are resorting to their local neighborhood gangs for protection. (their local insurgent group) Since we have to do with the government there, they blame us for everything. Hell, people are even becoming, ON A WIDE BASIS, addicted to any kind of drug, just to ease their nerves.

Our reasoning in Iraq makes no sense. Democracy clearly won't work there anymore, BECAUSE THE PEOPLE AREN'T UNITED ANYMORE. The whole basis for fighting over land also has to do with oil. I've been saying all along, SINCE THE START OF THE WAR. That they should divide the country up into 3 seperate areas, relating to religious majority, with their OWN democratic governments. The governments would be tied together through a national army, and finances, with a national government controlling that part, with no area being able to monopolize the oil areas.

It would allow all religious groups and peoples to drill for oil, while being able to fully govern their own laws. THERE'S YOUR SOLUTION! Unfortunatly, this administration believes everything could be solved with the Japan and Germany models for reconstructing a country. If we stay the current course in Iraq, WE WILL GET NO WHERE, AND THEY WILL HAVE A CIVIL WAR. By setting up their own governments, the PEOPLE would have a sense of UNITY for their areas and would WANT to rebuild their neighborhoods, because they'd have their own government that they could believe in!


Yes lordjacor you're right, there was NO evidence of WMD's in Iraq. Saddam was totally cooperative with the UN in the past 10 years and never told one lie. He also never had rape camps or put people in plastic shredders either...he was a good man and wow...Just like clinton...I wish he was still in office......*Draws sword*

Suggestion for those watching Fox News...

You might want to double check your facts elsewhere. Just because Fox News says there were WMDs in Iraq doesn't mean they were. Try reading the transcript of the soldiers interviewed before Congress.

The munitions found were *FORMER* WMDs. As in obselete. The transcript went something like this:
Soldier: "The weapons found were in a degraded state."
IE: the weapons had aged since Saddam purchased them back in the 1980s.
Republican Congressman: "Was there any chance that the chemicals from the weapons could kill SOMEONE?"
Soldier: "Maybe."
Republican Congressman: "If the chemicals were removed from the weapons, repackaged, and released on a train, say in New York City, could it kill people."
Soldier: "It's possible."

This is the same transcript and the same body of evidence they use for the "proof" of WMDs in Iraq. The truth is in how much the congressman was hounding the soldier for an affirmative response. The truth is that the weapons were so degraded that the most likely reaction was a bad rash for most people. For a few people, it MIGHT kill them if they were already in seriously bad health. These are NOT what we classify as WMDs. Weapons of Mass Destruction must by definition cause MASS DESTRUCTION, not the occasional death.

As for Al Qaeda in Iraq, their group was a series of individuals that joined onto Al Qaeda bandwagon as soon as they heard that the United States might invade Iraq. They are Al Qaeda by name only. They were not a part of the organization until a few weeks before we invaded. Contrary to misleading information released by the administration to justify the war, Al Qaeda has since been proven to have no contact with the Saddam Regime. The only reason Al Qaeda is there is because we are there. The same holds true for most of the insurgents slipping into Iraq.

Sir, President Bush and Vice President Cheney don't only watch Fox News because it is "fair and balanced." They watch it because it supports their viewpoint. I hope all people pay close attention to that. There are many videos on the web that expose Fox News' one-sidedness. If the new comedy news shows on their network don't expose their conservative slant, nothing will.

Thomas Jefferson: Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

The flash is decent. I think there's more to the regional war in the Middle East than a "religious civil war," but most of the points in the flash were on track.

Very nice

To the guys below me thinking people are taking shots at Bush because they are "Democrats" or "Liberals." You guys are fucking blind. By the way G-force your source is from FOX news, the most politically biased network that bents the truth to suit their own needs. It's people like you that take FOX as actual news that scares me. Since you can't think of yourself and is prone to be fed bullshit AND act on it. You guys are more dangerous than the terrorists.

Let's think back for a minute. Why as Americans we are obligated to deal with someone else's bullshit. From the beginning Bush used all sorts of lies and terror to trick us into this war. He played on people's fear to make us believe that this is an American war and we as Americans, as any good Christians would, should and fight this war. His way to bent Democracy, if you think about it is more of a dictator than anything else. Initially after 9/11, wouldn't it be our goal to neutralize Osama Bin Laden? Why put that all behind and start a war with Iraq? Does any of this even make a connection? It's obvious that Bush had all this planned out even before his presidency. Want a source?

Go to wikipedia and look for: Richard Clarke, the man behind counter-terrorism before Bush was even in office. Better yet, read his book Against All Enemies.

I am so sick of people calling ones that are sick and tired of this bullshit war "Liberals" as an excuse to mask your own stupidity. Must be an easy way out huh? Because anybody who thinks the war is wrong are obvious unpatriotic and "Liberals." Way to divide the nation.