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Reviews for "RienLand"


This is a great flash. At first, I was thinking that this didnt deserve the top 5, but as I kept watching, my pre-judgement soon turned around.

I have the Graphics a 9 because I dont think that art style looks that great, not that the animations and the art isnt beutifull, but its just not all that appeling to me. But nevertheless, fantastic job.

The style a 10 because it is original, and has a lot of refreshing things inside. (Make your own joke here)

Sound a 10 because I loved the fast music you put in it.

Violence a 9 because of all the...uhh...vioilence. No 10 becasue you kept it reletively clean.

Interactivity 1 3 becasue of the extras you have at the menu. I love that. But it still is a low score because this isnt a game, thus not being interactive.

Humor a 7 becasue of the naked guys, lol. I loked some of the expresions you gave the guys, espesually when they were screaming. I loved how you added the blur for the nudety, that made me laugh.

Overall a 9, This was a fantastic Flash and I hope to see you make more!

I love this movie

omg i love this movie the music is especially awsome the end music from fight club, i love it. this movie is most awsomeness

tres bon.

J'ai beaucoup aimer l'animation et l'originalite, mais c juste que la music n'etais pas toujours syncro aver l'animation si tu sais ce que jveu dire.

Mais en tout je trouve ke c'est un tres bon flash.

Not too shabby

pretty awsome man, i really liked how you used the music from matrix :P , u gotta make another one man, or else.........

weird but good

i actually kind of liked it. Im not sure what the plot was but that might be because i didnt see the first one. It was very weird, but it was still in some way good.