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Reviews for "The Go Kart"

That was Actually Pretty Good

I enjoyed this flash, I thought that the graphics and style were great. It was pretty good, overall. However, I don't like that the movie loaded while the PLAY button was visible... I pressed PLAY about 50 times before the movie actually started! The music was okay, too. Also, it did run slightly choppy, like you said.

Overall, good job!

~ Z

My vote just got your flash into the portal!

Thanks for voting, Major-Blood!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 6.09 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 30% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 7.92 votes!

The more experience points you have combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!

You gave this entry a 5!

I thought it was ok. Could've been better

could have been better

i was expecting a longer movie with at least some build-up to a nice finale. the explosion was pointless and and the video was a little choppy at some points. work more on the quality and plot next time.

Wasn't real bad.

I'm not sure exactly what you were trying to accomplish...unless it's the obvious.

I'm not a stickler for graphics, ...i mean look at all the damn stick figure games and movies on Newgrounds...but, I have to say there were times where the movie sort of struggled from frame to frame (choppy play). I know nothing of flash, so I don't know how to be helpful here besides pointing it out.

With that said, I think it best to point out how short it was, first off. Even if the graphics and choppiness were taken care of more, it needs to be extended. Add more mishaps to cross the path of your main character. Perhaps add some dialogue and/or background for him. But please be original...don't use the long played-out plot points of the driver being all doped up on something or drunk or just completely stupid. That's too easy. I mean obviously the driver's an idiot...look at the 'slope' he drove down, then up, then backward.

Get rid of that reason-less mid-air explosion. Either tack on a good reason to make it explode or just cut it out entirely and finish off another way or add more beyond it.

Background music would have been nice too.

I didn't vote to blam it, I've seen much worse on newgrounds, I gave it a 2/5 in hopes that you were showing off progress on experimentation with coding with physics or something.

Overall it's bad, but not as bad as it could have been.

Good luck in the future. I'd like to see what you come up with next.

the play button dosent work

the play button dosent work