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Reviews for "Momentum Missile Mayhem"


so much work must have been put into this, truly great, i love that you went all the way and put movie clips in there and little windows explaining each weapon


It's awesome all right..

but where is the pause button??? i can't find it, am i blind? is there none? it's pretty annoying to not be able to pause the game in survival mode...

also maybe make the base a little smaller or extend the field to the left a little, so you can really go back with the mouse. that would be nice.

Doctor: "It's worse than we thought....."

"...They've cought MMM, also known as MOMENTUM MIISSIILE MAAAAAAYYYHEEEEEEEEEEEM!" The physics engine is what truely makes this game as good as it is. without it, it would just be another shooter side game. Being able to bounce your enemies into one another is never boring, and the cadre of weapons you have to do it with is also fun (i.e. implosion). The only problem I had was how often you run out of energy, but this is not enough to damage the greatness of this game. I give this one all my 5's.


this is great! but make a sequel and have something exactly like scenario but with no level limit, more weapons, lives, new enemys and power ups. the hi score method could work like points per minute or something.

Very great game - but with room for improvement

love the game - totaly hooked :D

but baring that I do have a few grievances:
- energy, recharges too slow even with loads of upgrades, especially in the later levels
- stability is equally to expensive to work up to a level where its 'useful' to fire high powered attacks
- about half the tanks that get past me and kill off my "40 lives" are tanks that get bounced past me in speed due to explosions from other tanks and whatnots... couldn't you make it so that only tanks that move past that line at their own power count towards that?
other than that - great game :D