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Reviews for "Zombie Defence 2"

poor knowledge and realism of zombies

as most know, zombies are god-damn cross country world record breakers for the 100m dash, they can run but albeit sorta about 50% extra of their walking speed, another note it that the target s are too small and your team mates can hit shit makes this a poor game, and just for plot hole laughs, why don't they just bomb the shit of of the unsecure wall or actually build a blockade there or something, christ those 3 guys a dimwits to stand there without even a proper team (hey john, look theres some zombies running at us. yea, lets shot our guns randomly at them until they eat our brains out.)


They run!.. u shot the rest bome thats all the game.

not too shabby

the game was fun but just as everyone else says they run way too fast and other than that it was ok,iguess.

pretty good

really good game, like others have said they run way too fast. the first game and second game are too extremes. the first is too easy the second too hard. look forward to seeing the thrid which will be somwhere in between. :D

Eh it was okay

Wasn't too bad. I agree with the folkz below, zombies don't run. Should've been somethin else other then zombies. Like riot or somthin. Also, Shouou is my friggin' hero. You tell that moron whats what. I really liked your review dude. My friggin' hero!