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Reviews for "Epilogue Title"

wow, excellent song man.

in a way it reminds me of two things, bleach and RAGE for bleach it sounds like a moment when something big is about to happen and then for Rage it reminds me of the apocalyptic wasteland, which was over-ran by mutants, bandits and alot of other nasty things...

F4LL0UT responds:

Thanks, man. Well, if it reminds you of RAGE it probably kinda confirms that I did a good job since the game the song was composed for was based in quite a similar setting. Bleach on the other hand doesn't tell me anything but while making this song I was also kinda inspired by some of the music from Chaos Legion, so I guess it's not surprising that it may also remind someone of some Japanese franchise. :)


With the description you've provided, I don't think there's any better way to make this composition. The instrumentation is perfect because it's not overpowering, signifying the emptiness of the world around. Chilled, uncaring winds could roll by as the character shivers, for no one to see.

The piece goes on for just long enough to capture the images you seem to want to portray. After that, there might be a slight feeling by the player of "You've left me hanging!" but that's fine. Moments like that only serve to draw a deeper connection between player and media. What we end up with is an engrossing experience, something that the viewer will think about long after it's over.

Review Request Club

F4LL0UT responds:

Wow, that's quite a mouthful of professional and positive feedback. Thank you very much. :)

Rather fitting

It sounds like a very nice title music for a horror or zombie related game actually is pretty cool to say the least. The overall flow feels very dark and sinister to say the least, kind of reminds me of old 80's horror movies as well where they played this kind of music in it.

The overall feel is that one is getting ready to escape a city filled with the undead and there may be a chance that there are survivors but you aren't going to take any chances at all.

Overall, this turned out rather good.

Review Request Club

F4LL0UT responds:

Thanks. Well, I never thought of zombies when working on/listening to this track but yeah, it's sort of fitting. And as a matter of fact I was kind of inspired by soundtracks from the 80s. :)

Hmmm, yes!

I liked this song, it made me feel axactly what you wanted, as described in the author comments, it has a very misterious, dark and it made me chill too.

This song is perfect for a menu, I think it fitted really well with what is on my mind, according to your description, I can immagine the menu, you made an awesome job, if you wanted what is written in your comments, well, it's mission accomplished. Keep it up man!!

-Member of the Review Request Cub-


F4LL0UT responds:

Thank you very much. It's always nice when people confirm that I actually achieved what I was going for (it's actually better than if someone says that a piece is perfect but totally doesn't get the actual idea).


Perfect for what you described. I'm sure with that art that it was totally appropriate. You're making me curious about this game, lol. Is it flash-based? If it is make them upload it!!

The song isn't very long, and I mean it's nothing I'd listen to in the car or anything, but for a menu where you wanted it to feel post-apocalyptic and have the player have a feeling of abandonment, it's a great tune. Keep at it.


F4LL0UT responds:

It's a little cynical to title a review "perfect" and then give a score of 7. :P Of course I get the idea that this piece isn't very impressive taken out of the context but it's kinda paradox. ;) Anyhow, thanks for the review.

And the game is based on Unreal Engine 3 so it's rather not stuff for Newgrounds. You can find actual gameplay footage on YouTube though. Check out the channel of MrMartinFischer (but be warned: it's not very impressive stuff since they removed about half of the game's content due to lack of time and technical problems).