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Reviews for "Stick Slayer vs Xiao Xiao"


At first the series was funny. You were showing the world via StickSlayer that stick movies are NOT the way to animate.
Good for you.
Now you've crossed the line. Making fun of not only the greatest Flash movie (besides Genyu) of all time, but also it's animator has shown NG that you are just a sour hypocrite.
I wish my Joe Zombie movie could have been on this list on the same day yours was. It's (then) 3.72 would've shown NG who the real animators are.
Stop making these movies, before I lose what little respect I still have for you.
~Rob DenBleyker

Ben-Spurgin responds:

I am deeply saddened. I feel as Obi-Wan Kenobi must have felt when Anakin went to the dark side (damn star wars analogies... but it fits!) At one time you were my greatest prodigy... you watched my films, and you learned. You learned about Swift 3D, and moving camera angles. You watched my movies and you learned how to entertain. To this day, your favorite movies listed are Stick Slayer and Stick Slayer Slayer. Then, woe betide, you vote me a 0 out of a dirty jealous hatred.
I am sorry to see it come to this, but whereas tickSuicide and the Stick Slayer once were friends and affiliates, let there now be WAR between us! If you wake up in the middle of the night to a pillow over your head and you hear a muffled *snap*, that's the Stick Slayer.
Oh and by the way. SS vs XX had 3.8 when it was chosen daily feature, so I guess I'm the real animator.
-Ben Spurgin


Nah. Its crap - basic replacement of a stick main character with some action hero who is most probably on steroids. The part that amuses me the most is the depiction of the Xiao Xiao animator as a geeky type person (which he may or may not be) while presumably this Stick Slayer animator is obviously much different, sleeping with supermodels every night and things like that.

Bah, it sucks. While Xiao Xiao 3 had thought put into it, you cut it short here and just replaced the main character. Animating a full figure *may* be harder if you were starting from scratch, but if you have the model of a stickman to begin with its much easier just to make the limbs go where they should.

Sorry, you get 0.

Ben-Spurgin responds:

Watch the 2nd half moron


wow stealing xaio fighting and crappy animation wow.....wow....


this is just a rip-off, covered, xiaoxiao, couldn't you make up something by yourself or what?


it sucks i mean a stick is cool but some fat american not