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Reviews for "Stick Slayer vs Xiao Xiao"

This is funny.

People... get off your high horses! Geez, its amazing to look through the reviews and see how the author of this has had physical threats due to this movie. There is FAR worse content in this portal. Movies with far more racism than this, movies about rape, movies insulting women and portaying them in a negative light, movies that contain gruesome murder scenes rather than cartoony stuff. And yet, rather than create a mob and go after some of the really filthy things in the portal, the things that would be worth your efforts, you attack a parody of something because you all think the thing being parodied is cool, and thus shouldn't be made fun of. How... childish.

Sorry to get off on a rant there, but someone needed to address this mess of reviews in a mature fashion. Some of the authors responses have been amusing, but he uncaring attitude about the responses has done nothing to tide the flow of the hate reviews. I don't care if you wanna talk how you hate this, but at least do it with a shred of dignity for crying out loud.

And now, to the real review of your movie. Pretty funny, I always found the Stick Slayer concept interesting. Its obvious that your a pretty good artist.. I would love it if you took a bit more time with things to really let your drawing ability shine through better. At parts, some of your art looks pretty bad. Your work is always good, but could be so much better. The animation over the original Xiao Xiao stuff was funny. I don't think Zhu would have seen it as stealing, but rather as paying homage to his work. You know the saying, 'Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery'.

About the racism? I'm sorry, but I don't see anything to get TOO offended by in this. Not compared to some of the every day content of the portal anyway. This *is* a parody, and I've never seen or heard of what Zhu looks like. So why not go the parody route and play upon the cliches?

Thanks for a funny movie and keep up the good work.

Ben-Spurgin responds:

Well I'll be a great horney toad! I gotta say that's the most intelligent review I've ever read, including my own!
And yea, I don't care about all the flames, I kinda like em. At least I'm getting attention! ;)
The portal needs more people like you!
And about teh drawing thing, just wait until you see Generic Man!

I'm impressed

An author who still bothers to respond to reviews even though their stuff is 4 months old. Anyways, the movie was alright, but the first sticks needed voices of their own. Other than that, keep up the good work.

It was a good idea, but...

Arright, it was a pretty good idea, but you could have done it much better and avoided much of the flames thrown at you by alot of people. Stickslayer's actually a pretty good idea, but at first I thought stick slayer was a bad idea, but then again, this was the first flash I watched of him. I decided to take a look at the other movies, and I have to admit they're all actually done pretty well and have a good idea. The idea of killing off all the random badly animated stickfigures running around on the net is pretty funky, since I myself get annoyed with the huge abundance of them myself. Stickfigures in themselves aren't bad though, they're just overdone-- Xiao Xiao was pretty much a masterpiece, and while making a Stickslayer vs. Xiao Xiao was a nifty idea, You didn't quite have to copy the scene and pretty much put the focus on killing the animator. He didn't do anything to you, and you portrayed him pretty unfairly, and I might even say -- racistly. Personal attacks are pretty down there, so you should have left that out and concentrated on actually fighting the xiao xiao stickmen. You said drawings will always be better than stickmen, that's sort of a bit unfair. The Xiao Xiao stickmen were incredibly well animated, thanks to the low data needed for each precise movement, and that's probably why the animator of Xiao Xiao chose to use stickpeople as that, though I'm not speaking for him. Forgetting the person you were fighting in the last part of your flash, the fight scene was actually pretty good, though don't forget that makign personal attacks and portraying people racistly isn't quite a very good idea.

All in all, I guess it would have been a pretty good animation, though I really think you should't have bashed Xiao Xiao and the creator. Good ones on the other Stickslayers though, if you actually read through all this junk, care to reply?

Ben-Spurgin responds:

See comments.

Fuckin great

Sweat preloader + everything else!

this is the first SS ive seen nice stuff

keep it up man,imma check out the other SS stuff right now ;)