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Reviews for "ImminentII - Resilience"

Not bad at all

But ive ran into a few minor annoyances. One, the glare on the various buttons makes them very hard to read. Two, the save feature dosent work for me. But that aside its fun, took me a while to realize how the mortars worked though.

Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

I'll see if I can fix the buttons, I'm not sure how much work it'll be... I can't see what the problem is with the save...

Thanks for the review!

Great game!!

i love defence games and this will be one of my favorites!

Few +'s

+ Graphics
+ Upgrades
+ Amount of chaos possible (if you upgrade all weapons)

Few -'s

- Slow menu at start
- Cant see how many upgrades there are in total (an upgrade tee/sheet would help)
- HIGH RISK of getting ADDICTED*

overall i love it...but i'd really like to know what upgrades there are for each weapon so ppl can specialize in certain weapons

(*this game made me play from 00:00 till about 06:00am....which in turn made me oversleep and miss work -.-'')

Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

Now that's a new record for me. Imminent made people not do homework, but to miss work? Woah.

I had one reviewer mentioned he liked the element of the unknown in the upgrades. I can tell you that each weapon goes to level 6 (single machine gun is level 0 in that line).

Thanks for the review, but... don't play in the wee hours ;)

Good game but still one bug thats still there...

Everything is good about the game. You fixed the delay on levels 1-13 but after that it is just as long as before.

Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

Hmm, interesting. The delay should be the same on every level, though the level length itself increases. Maybe there's something I missed.

its good

but something is messed up. when i load my old game i automatically die. and sometmies i take damage for no reason. i liked everything else in the game too except i had all the avilable upgrades at the time and i had to save my money unitl i had like 2 million.

Great grraphic style and fun time-killer.

I like the stylized graphics in this one and the special effects and aesthetics have improved greatly from the first one. I was eventually able to get all the upgrades and hope for maybe a third game, with even more weaponry.

But right now :3 this is good; and I will keep playing it for a long time.