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Reviews for "ImminentII - Resilience"


So far, despite my valiant efforts, I cant get past around lvl 53 in medium mode.

- All but 4 or so creeps are infantry, put in more armor/aircraft.

- I had one missle hit me at level 25ish for 6000+ (3000 armor to negative 3500 before the 'you lost' screen came up). I'm guessing a bug, 'cause I never had that happen again.

- Theres a memory leak (might flash problem in general, but I dont code flash soooo?). However, the save feature does work. If the game is slowing down, save, kill browser, and load it back up.

- For those complaining, the side lasers do come in handy at later levels where I seem to be doing more spray-and-pray.

- I do wish there were more big mobs. It can be a pain to focus the machine gun/cannon all the time.

- I wish the missles and exploding tanks didnt move so damned fast, or at least didnt hit so hard later. 17k armor is alot to get blown off =P

- From about level 5 to level 20ish the green grass blur looks funny to me. Once it goes brown all is well.

- I over all like the weapon choices, save the mortar. Its hard to predict when it'll go off etc while firing like mad. I saw a previous post about making it a button press to launch. I think that'd rock.

- I wouldnt mind seeing something with more of a (pardon the term) defensive aspect. Let me clairify; the armor and active healer are defensive, but the game is centered around weapons (which is fine =P). Maybe a recharge at level up force field? Mine placement during the level up screen?

- Music rocked. I wish there was some way to turn off the gun fire sounds so I could listen to it w/o the extra noise.

- All and all an excellent game. I'll spend many more hours playing it =). Thank you.

Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

I'm glad the save is working for someone.

The grass blur is slowing fading, by the level, into different bitmaps. It gives me more mileae on my backgrounds :P

I'll bear in mind the mortar issue...

I was considering a shields option. I'm still mulling over the way they'll work exactly.

Thanks for the review, dude!


Ya i liked the glitch too. But not when i put my HP done to -3000

Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

It's like russian roulette, only instead of blanks you have money...

Pretty good but serious problems

ok i dont kno if any1 noticed this but i saw it about 2 mins into the game and im not even kidding this glitch make ur money go up forever (im doing it right now lol){ i didnt want to go through bout 130 or so posts so i dont kno if any1 else has noticed it or not}well im at about 100 milion i think that ill go back to playing now

Nice game

Needs some kind of auto turret function, great music, especially F$&%in groove. 8/10

Good Game

its a good game, but it needs quite a lot of work on the bugs, just as a random note, i bought the bomb first, then the machine gun, then the auto healer, on the round after i got the auto healer i got a tonne load of money for nothing, and was able to buy every weapon there is, and also get lots of health, on a side note you should be able to upgrade weapons e.g. machine gun hits stronger or faster etc. Make the game harder, i tried on easy, and that on most game is usually a good starter, and gets you into the game, but when I started on this game, i thoght easy was WAY too easy and anyone who started wouldnt even try playing further after trying to play on easy, its like 5 mobs a level and it takes a little bit of a hit to kill them, just make it harder and get some more upgrades in there and it would definately be a good 10/10 game, but anyways keep up the good work!