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Reviews for "ImminentII - Resilience"

I'm hooked!

This game is amazing. An easy daily pick for sure.
Well done!

Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

Cheers, dude!


wat a great game. personally, i dont like defense games that much, but this one was pretty great. i also think that the main menu was very original and cool. keep up the good work.

Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

Thanks a lot!

Some people are assholes

I really didn't feel like writing a review today (I've been busy and just didn't feel like writing anything), but for fuck's sake people do NOT see quality in a game for nothing. This game is f'n awesome and I for one can not stop playing it.
As far as the person talking about putting too much effort into such a simple game. My f'n God, have you ever made a game before!?! Games that are simple for the user are NOT necessarily simple for the programmer. Do you have any clue how hard it is to come up with a concept that is simple for the user yet still fun? Trust me it isn't easy. And once again, just because all the user does is point and click, does not mean that the programmer didn't work his/her ass off making the damn thing. Very few "simple" games are actually simple to program and don't demand a lot from the programmer.
Oh and I love the ones who talk about difficulty. It shows they didn't even give the game a chance. Hello...easy, medium, hard, extreme...did you bother to play the game or just jump to the conclusion that it sucks. God help us all if you ever have a job professionally reviewing games.
Anyway, enough bitching about fucktards...the game was great man. And the title screen, I have never seen anything like that. I loved it. Very original and very well done. One of the main things I like about the game that really shows you know what the hell you are doing making a game, is the use of space in the game. First off, everything can be done with the mouse, so no need to switch to the keyboard like in some games. Second, the placement of the pause button, music controls, level number, day/night indicator is very smooth and doesn't get in your way while playing. Upgrade placement is very nice and I like how there are more upgrades that appear. I like that you didn't show them all and just gray them out. It makes it better since you don't know how high you can go in upgrades til you unlock that next level. Overall, I really like it and I probably will give a donation. I can tell you spent some time on this one and you should be commended for your work.
Oh and personally, I wouldn't make the cannon mobile. It would feel too much like Asteroids or games like that. It would almost destroy the whole feel of the game. But hey, if you want to go with that, I'm sure you will find a way to work it in. *coughs* don't do it *coughs*.

Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

I'm glad you took the time to review. I'm also glad to hear from someone who understands how much work needs to be put into something like this.

And those are some spectacular comments! It makes me feel warm inside...

Don't worry. As I've said before, moving turrets and bosses wouldn't be a direct Imminent game. I'm pondering a new game that bears the Imminent name, but with completely different gameplay. Core Imminent will stay true.

Woah, that bit went a bit preachy.

Cheers muchly for the review!

Trigger Happy

This is an amazing game! So much carnage and explosions, it totally rocks. Theres loads and loads of upgrades that make this game just so addictive, and theres a good selection of music to chose from while you are blasting away.

I did get a bit of a fps issue tho during the later levels with all the tanks and turret fire and also some of the icons could be a bit more descriptive. Apart from that, an fantastic defence game, 9/10 :D

Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

Hey, thanks a lot, dude!

Yeah,didnt expect too see that.

For start.... Fools!Why they hell all whine about upgrade/menu buttons?
Even if there would be big red flashing line "CANNON UPGRADE" you would need to move damn cursor on it in order to buy it.So no point to say "I need to move my cursor too see whats that damn thing!!>:(("

Ok,now for the author.Damn You dude,was playing first part,and was my favorite for classical way I imagined defence games with turrets.
I enjoyed it much,and now You came up with 2nd part.I did not expected that.
Indeed,You did much improvement,all looks better.But at time lags more.Guess ther's nothing that can be done with it,result of altered graphics:)
Oh well,not much of a problem I guess.It laged same in 1st part at 60lv:D
Anyways,thers only one little thing that iritates me quite often in this game.
-"Omg!Omg! Kamikaze!Shoot him!!"
-"Here goes...BOOM!"
-"Wtf?Why You did not killed him?"
-"Lol,my cannon shell passed right next to his face"

In other words,trying to hit some enemies is annoying,as You must direct fire on them straight in right line,with accuracy of 1 pixel.
It was a bit easier in previouse part.Now actions like this I mentioned above happens often.And I mean it,sometimes I seriously saw as my shell passed near oponent,and it was looking like it pass through him.
Dunno,maybe alter this so when shoots touch oponent it will count as direct hit?
From all seriouse,this was most..I guess,rest are details,like useless lasers,they can't hit anything intentionaly untill it will be something big,or my personal effort to guide em on target.Maybe draw them closer to main fire line?If not,oh well..happens;D
And cannon...It's my imaginatione,or it slightly shoot in unregulated way?Especialy when I turn turret.
So far thats all I have to say about,playing now 40lv and can't wait for bigger guys:D
If You plan on upgrading this one,or doing another game(I beg You,another defence type!) It will be great.
For now,good luck man with ur works:)


Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

I had difficulty reading your review, but got there in the end :)

That little kamikaze dude is meant to be difficult to hit. I'm trying to manipulate the playing into making a choice. Do you focus on the kamikaze drone to get it good? Or ignore it, so you can concentrate on enemies that hit you more than once. There is a small bug in the code, admittedly, that will be sorted in a larger update at the end of the week.

Thanks for your review!