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Reviews for "School Madness 2"

Sad veary sad

this series is getting really boring and stupid all that happens to this guy is that he dies and dies and dies and dies and dies in every episode that i have seen and if he dident die its pure stupid you really need to put some more thought in to this its getting boring really fast series is boring its self

this sucks

it wasnt animated or created by Krinkels so youre just a copy cat.

stop copying krinkles

Ok i liked the storyline but lol..........USE YOUR OWN STYLE dammit lol
Graphics:Have u seen krinkles #7 Madness?? Your isnt that close to his.

Style:You just copied Krinkles.

Sound:Music really didnt add any feeling to actual animation.That kind of music isnt used when sumone is killing everyone.

Violence:The one good thing about your movie other than your story line however it still deosnt match Krinkles.

Interactivity:Its got a play bottun lol. =)

Humor:none -_-

The ending was expected so it got boring after the 1st 10 seconds except for violence. Keep trying and use your own style maybe?

boring as hell

You didn't do anything original in your video! It was all stuff that has been done over and over and over again. Tried and true, yet extremely unentertaining. Do something original and interesting and maybe you'll get a decent rating.

Thak you for wasting 5 minutes of my life that I'll never get back.

Bad, bad, bad timing

Your animation is smooth, your design is neat. the concept is a little... messed up and confusing. It was mindlessly violent. It was basically a school-yard massacre. If you had been keeping up with current events you would know that Virginia Tech was just under attack. Although mindlessly violent "god-mode" flash animations do not rank very high on my list of things to watch, your timing is just impeccable. You have no taste or tact. I'm amazed you would post this after such an atrotious nightmare.