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Reviews for "E! Bin Laden"

Best Osama Flash

This has to be the best osama flash, and this lasts for ages! 6 minutes 15 seconds to be precise :) i watched it 3 times and i haven't wasted a moment of my life by doing that.

You cant touch this!

brilliant...... truly

Stamper you are definatly one of the biggest names in the NG portal..... youre the only one i know. Even though you only have 3 videos that seem to be popular... they are quite unforgetable. Like street life... i frist started visiting the portal on oocation sometime over a year ago and that was one of the first videos i ever saw... and i havent forgot it yet. I go though phases of about 2 or 3 week long periods of visiting the portal... they come ever 3 or 4 months. i remember my last one you took all the videos off. That sucked cause i was trying to show a friend street life. you wonder why that video gets such high ratings... well look at all the other shit that people put into the portal. There are alot of horrible videos out there and even though you might feel street life could have been better when you compare it to all the other shit out its really not bad. You have talent. You have a sense of humor. If i had a mic or the program tomake these videos i would probably make some good movies, cause it pisses me off when people put shit into the portal thats not even worth watching. by the way..... i drew some pictures and put them on the internet. alot of people are disgusted by them but im sure youll like them ( i can tell by the fda sticker on the TV from keeblur and the cone up bin ladens ass) they are at www.angelfire.com/ak5/nationof sodomy if you go sign the guestbook. you are a person i would like to hear back from

Thats hella funny shit

ROTFLMAO that was a pritty funny movie....one of Will's best besides "Eddie" Great Job


this was sooooooo funny. I thought I was goin to piss my pants laughing. please if you make another one like this about osama make it as funny.


damn good movie man it totally owned :)
especially the plane that struck the tower it totally owned