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Reviews for "Draw-A-Game"


Theres to many major flaws in the game, Pretty much it


It was way too frustrating to try and get away from the huge, spiky ball AND create platforms at the same time.
It is virturally improbable that anyone could have beaten this without the help of glitches or something.

Also, you had no sound at all.

And this has been done before (im thinking rip-off of Draw-Play???)

Overall, i didnt like it at all.

Sorry, but you missed the mark on this one.

Sorry, but your not the first to do this.

There was an entry that made front page awhile ago, something like "draw (somthing I forgot)" but anyway the point is, they already did that, and Im sorry but, frankly it was drawn way better in that version. So I cant really give you a good score for this.

That's strange...

When I read you were asked to make something unique I was excited, unique games don't get made that often anymore.

But this isn't unique at all, it's almost the same as I did back in January 2006 with Jack Russell. It doesn't really add any fun, it's just a lame ripoff with an even lamer goal. Yay get higher, yay.

+ It works

- Not unique
- No real goal
- Booooring

what the hell were you thinking

fun for the first 45 seconds....then it just starts to piss you off. i thought it was some sweeet graftti wall for people who are to cool for real graftti, but it wasnt so i dissaponited...then i'm like what the hell i'll give it a try....draw a game? what the hell were you thinking? i thought to myself as i played this game. i almost instantly clicked it off.....wondering to myself....why? It's just stupid and boring...and you act to impulsivly with the little orb and whoops ur ass no problem. within 2 seconds of it hitting you your fucked. so i ask you...why did you make this, good concept i mean but so were like grape flovared apples....those are just fucking stupid.....i want to draw....while running from some annoyumus force i will make a comic in school so something enterataining.....serousily, you'd have to be stoned or drunk off your ass to enjoy this. then it would be hailirous or like comon man i gotta win...come on.....haul ass god damn....i'll be nice and give it a 2