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Reviews for "MindScape"

Great game

Creative. This is going in my favs, 5/5. Please make more, please!


How the HELL did you fit this to 1.6 MB? 5/5

I imagine....

You feel a lot like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole.

"One pill makes you smaller, one pill makes you taller, one pill makes you nothing at alllllllll! Just go ask Alice when she's ten feet tallllllll!"

"Take the blue pill, and you'll wake up in the morning, and wonder if this was a dream. Take the red pill, and i'll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

This entire ame made me feel like alice, then Neo, then like i was back n college. (ok, so i'm 17 and haven't been to college). But this was crazy fun (no pun intended)


This is easily one of the best platformer games on Newground sto date. The only other that can even compare is the legendary Franks adventure series. This had something Frank Adventure didn't though, Originality.

The whole angle change thing or whatever you wish to call it was an amazing addition to this game. It seperated this game from just being another platformer. It could however be glitched at times, like in the living room level towards the beggining I almost gave up because I kept falling into this pit that would make me fall in a circle for like 30 seconds and I kept falling into it while looking for the exit.

The game got pretty bland and reptitive after the first level. The first level was great with some cool looking backgrounds, funny cut scenes, and a boss battle I guess you could call it. Level 3 was alright but tried to hard with the angle changes if you ask me. Level 2 was incredibly boring and you're lucky enough I was even able to get through that. Also a weird puzzle maze isn't a good replacement for a boss battle.

I ended up losing all my lives pretty far into level 3 so I can't give a complete review but from what I played this game was incredible. There is an absolute must for a sequel to this incredible game.

Great twisty action!

Very clever 'twist' (...sorry) on the standard platformer formula. That chase at the end literally hat my heart beating like crazy. ...I don't know why. Great game, especially because it's not too long.