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Reviews for ""Get A God" #3"


It was a litle bit short and i would love too see a longer one!

Super lip-sync, Great sound, maby a litle bit poor bodey drawing but that's a apperently a part of your style when you are making you characthers!


Cambo responds:

Thanks! Haha yeah, people are saying they're too short. Problem is, they're Mac ad parodies, and so they can't be hour-long opuses. Opii? I don't know my opera.

And yeah, the body drawings are just part of my style. I think it looks cool, and it's more fluid this way.

What I will do, though, is re-release the whole lot of them with a bonus ep and some commentaries later on. Probably fifth ep.

Funny Again!

I really like how well you get the flow going in these. It sounds like an actual commercial and it makes a good point.

Good lip-syncing as well.

Keep it rolling, man! Nice job!

Cambo responds:

Cheers buddy, lipsyncing is one of those annoying, timewasting jobs that people only notice if you do poorly.


Ha, this is most definitely my favourite so far. Superb. The whole concept is so refreshing, and it stays refreshing with each installment.
I'm not going to look too much into the subject like other people. I don't believe that is what you want us to do in the first place either. I'm just going to appreciate your flash skills and great ideas, like they should be.
Well done.


Cambo responds:

You're an absolute legend mate, thanks for the review.

It was good.

I liked it. I dont agree with your thinking or your opinion due to the fact that I fail to see were the war and abortion connect...but you at least got the stereo type of the dumb redneck down.

Cambo responds:

OK, here goes.

Conservatives are fine with criminalising abortion, so that pregnant teenage girls aren't able to terminate. And if worst comes to worst and they're not allowed to, and the Conservatives get their way, then fine. She keeps the baby. But if she wants to terminate because she can't support a child, conservatives aren't assisting that.

Poor women in America are three times more likely to have an abortion than those with higher incomes. Minimum was is 5.15 an hour, and if you're living off that and get pregannt, it's not enough to support a family. But conservatives aren't interested in raising minimum wage.

Republicans don't want to support contraception with health care, even though a recent study by the Guttmacher Institute indicates that nearly 200,000 unwanted pregnancies which end in abortions could be prevented each year by including contraceptives in Medicaid coverage for low-income women.

It's not so much that abortion is GOOD, it's that women aren't being provided with any other options. By wanting to criminalise abortion, it's taking choices away from women, not giving them options.


Bush consistently spouts religious sentiment in his public addresses. That's OK, I respect his right to a religion - I don't think it should influence federal policy, but there you go. With that backing that that taps into, the conservative right Christian vote, Bush was re-elected on a platform that consisted of - let's face it - basically just homeland security. Now, if your conservative Christian vote want to support a war in Iraq, that's fine. Nevermind that that very same was has taken over 650 000 lives - most of innocent Iraqi civilians. Nevermind that. What gets me is how these people can look down on young women, who these conservatives themselves aren't giving any options, who are getting abortions. As if you're PRO-LIFE - which is fine, that's another argument altogether, and I'm not getting into the morality of it - then you can't just be pro-life when it suits you. You can't be pro-life and then vote to kill Iraqi civilians. That's called hypocrisy. That's what this flash is about.

And that's how the war and abortion connect.


nice, but next time, could you mabe add a flashback or something that had some violence?
of you are talking about a war, it has to have some violence.

good job, the figures have sloppy bodies, but besides all that it is great.

well done

Cambo responds:

Yeah, I think this flash would have benefited from a decapitation or two.