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Reviews for "Pong-o-Matic"

Any game I can cheat my ass off on...

Is a perfect game. :)

Here's how you do it. On Easy mode (dunno if it works on the other modes), you have a "helper" paddle under your main paddle. The ball collides with the underside of the main paddle as readily as it does with the top of it.

Wedge that sucker between your helper and main to bounce it like hell, and then when it gets out, as long as it dosen't bounce out under the main paddle but away from the helper, it'll go soaring off at an oblique angle the computer coulden't possibly track and hit in time.

But that's not the best part.

You can get that sucker wedged between helper, main, and wall, such that it bounces like a machine gun going off, and racks you up MAD POINTS...

Not really a useful cheat, but fun. :) I just hit 5K points while typing this.

A good start

I found the biggest thing with this was that the background made it difficult to keep up with the ball. Which after only a few minutes I got tired of and closed it. Id suggest using something darker overall, as it was fine in the darker bits, but once it went over to the lighter section it became an effort.

Also I'd suggest removing the backup paddle from the normal and hard modes, as this really is just a trianing wheel.

Work on the graphics a bit more, the paddels and ball were very basic, same with the menu and nothing really was that visually appealing.

Also you should consider making some upgrades etc. PONG as it stands today is been milked for all its worth as a standalone game, it needs to be jazzed up incredibly to make it in todays world.

Overall it'd be a good start to the final game, but definatly needs a lot of improvement.

sorry, pal, its glitched

I did easy and it was fine but when I tried to play medium it just flickered each time and told me in about three seconds I had won or lost, like it played an almost instant game?!?!?!

Otherwise it looks OK. I wouldnt give it much for style cos its just Pong, but if it worked I would protect it cos it looks pretty good and its got levels.

its okay

why the shit did you call it punk o matic thats retarded

1 thing

the easy level is ok but in the medium and hard one have a bug ....

the medium you will loose automaticely
and the hard u win ...... fix that