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Reviews for "PS3 V 360"


i dig that one why poeaple say wii owns or ps3 kills that dumb wii

Ok flash, but it had to host a console war

On topic of the flash, this is short, and the graphics aren't great, but the attention to detail (including the PS3 having 7 controllers) does win it some points. Me being a PS3 supporter, I have to give it an 8/10.

I hate getting involved in the console wars but unfortunately I must be dragged in to prove the facts again. I don't mean this to be offensive in anyway, I'm not writing this to smack talk Microsoft. I just have to say what I believe is true.

The PS3 has just about the same graphics as the 360, although the PS3 has advanced HD capabilities. The PS3 has a HD movie rental/download store. PSN is free where you have to pay for live. The amount of PSN members matches the amount of live members. The 360 has a 30% fail rate while the PS3 has a fail rate of <1% . The PS3 has built in wi-fi and a large Hard Drive (too many sizes to name but the highest is 160GB). The PS3 can run a secondary OS such as Linux and the HDD can be exchanged with certain laptop HDDs. The PS3 has Home (in beta right now) which is already better the Experience. Home has HD quality graphics and the characters are actually human instead of cartoons. The 360 can scratch discs while the PS3 will never scratch a disc unless you smash it. The DS3 (PS3 controller) may not be as comfortable as the 360's but it has motion sensors which open up so many opportunities in games. Some examples are in R2 you shake the controller to melee attack or to get off flames, bullseye tags, toxins, etc. In LBP you can control your characters head and body movements by tilting the controller. On a large portion of PS Store games you control the game solely on motion controls. The PS3 has blu-ray, which is superior to any other disc on the market. I can guarantee there is so much more but I am too tired to keep going.


ps3 is alot better than the 360 becuase it has so much more to offer and if you didint know 360 cost more than ps3 if you want the full experience around $759 becuase unlike ps3 it dosent come with all the stuff it needs not to mention the RING OF DEATH even if those pricks microsoft decide to fix it it will break down again ps3 is cheaper and you definetly get what you pay for with it

i think the wii is kidddish and shit with not much online but thats just me everything i said about xbox is true facts

Nice flash, but I dont really agree...

I dont really agree, because I dont think 360 sucks but I personnaly like PS3 more.


The PS3 is my favorite consol, but the Wii is kind of kiddish (like theflamingninja360 said). To me the PS3 is better than the 360 by a mile.