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Reviews for "Megaman Bros X (EP2)"

This game is as good as the first one, but...

There is a bug that the passwoord given to you after you complete the game doesn't work. Fix. Oh, and hurry up and make a sequel, because you should DEFINITELY make it a fan series.

MasterMarioMX responds:

well... since maybe people are vulnerable to bad spelling...ill write the pass for any lazy kid who wants to both, skip the initial stage and have X and Luigi unlocked
(can copy/paste.. emn.. duh)
and thank you for your interest in this little fan proyect... im happy that there are people who likes my ideas... dont worry.. ill be as less lazy and more ward worker as i can be...(and if the schooll let me as well) but coding the game from 0 is kinda hard...well... be patient on this one... as they say... the 3rd is the best one!!!
thanks again for your support, and the wine tastes better if aged.. i got it right, didn´t I?

Perfect game and great idea

This was great game, I played in first episode and this was a great continuacion, I like Zero and Mario and game with this two characters was good idea for me and for many who playing in this game.
Keep going, make another part, you said that you will make another episode about this game and you thing about boss, I will give you some proposition, you know that copy of X was Zero enemy, you can take him to game but he should be a good character ( like in game Zero alpha ), if you want make some new enemy ( in me opinion Vile Clones are the best ) they are fast, strong, hard, they can fly and they can hit many foe in one shout, you can watch them in this video
" MEGAMAN X OLB CH.1 ", if you want take more characters to game, Kirby or Solid Snake are good choise.
I will be happy if you will make a some normal characters who can talk and help, like toads form mario or humans resistance like in Megaman Zero,
This are me propositions about boss:
- Nuclear Vile ( better and stronger version of Vile )
- F 16 ( realy fast fly fighter ) - this one was only joke
- Battle ship ( like in free lancer game ) - another joke, sorry
- Asteroidbot ( he lock like asteroid but he can attack Samus space ship )
- X-bot master ( he lock like X-bot but he can use electricity to attack and to repeir X-bots on the battelfield ) his next form is nucleat X-bot ( he can make a electric bubble to close enemy in trap or to repeir vile clones on battlefild.
- The leader of the boss can be a dark master who is on the dark side on the moon, ( he can hide in dark and he can change to anyone boss what zero and mario destroyed ) in other form he will change to Ciel ( Zero best friend ) and princess ( Mario best friend ) to give mario and Zero suprice attack or he can become his Special machine ( gate ) and he will can use gate to transport X-bots, vile clones, kopas, to fight with Mario and Zero.

In this episode Dark master is using a special gate to transport many strong boss and fighters from Zero, Mario, Samus world and ( what only you want ) to make unstoped army and to become more stronger thanks absorbing boss ability and thanks this take control on Zero, Mario and Samus world ( someghting like this ).
Copy of X ( leader of Neo Arcadia and Resistance base will go to find and safe Zero from any trouble ( humans soldier and toads on Yoshis who will go with copy of X will die in fight with Vile clones ) one of X guardians like leviatan or someone else will losse when he/she protected Samus ship when Zero, Copy of X, Mario and Samus will fly to moon to stop dark master.
When Zero and Mario and someone else ( I do not know ) will go enter dark master room than they will see how dark master is destroyding X and X will tell about gate before he die ( or with out power will go to sleep ) and than finnal battle will begin. When the battel will come to end and Dark master will losse then humans, soldiers, toads, yoshis and someone else will make party for peace or piece (I do not know).

This are me proposition for next part of this realy good game, I know that this is much and this will be hard to do this.
In me opinion this propositions are great to next part of your game and I will be happy if you will use some of me proposition, but I m shour that if you will not use me propositions, game what you will make will be good and will be better of last part.

Good lock.

MasterMarioMX responds:

thanks 4 the support man!!!... well...
since im out of fresh ideas... maybe some of your suggest will be taken... but... for me the story is just the dessert... what people likes..before the story(i think) is..the gameplay.. and since the engine will be diferent form the others.. ill will take some time...maybe whit surprises at hand. XD and yep, expect customizable controls.. this is a easy implement. but DONT expect them at the others two. its hard whit that engine. thanks again for the support and hope you all liked this and the other sub!!

dude i love this game but....

theres a glitch in the wall at the start p.s. coodose on the other game and no.3

esto es mmuy bueno

me alegro de que los hispanos ya nos tomemos newgrounds, ya que a algunos nos da una pereza escribir en ingles, de todos modos gran juego sobre todo el jefe final y cuando samus llega a salvar tu trasero, pero tengoo un problema con el password al final del juego ¡ no me llega! podrias darmelo en un mensaje privado por favor?

MasterMarioMX responds:

hhmmm..de hecho no funciona, lamento que al ultimo no funcionara, pense que podia hacerlo, pero al cambiar el flash me mueve todo y pues tengo que adaptar todo T_T bueno, haber si algun dia funciona y si no, pos nimodo, no por eso paro el que sigue, jeje, gracias por sierto

i freakin love it
I rate it OVER 99000 stars