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Reviews for "Miss Dynamite XXII iraq"

got work on th voice acting kinda dumb

it was pretty well drawn and the background music was pretty good but the animation wasn't very smooth and it was like watching a comic were you look from frame to frame really fast, and the voice acting needs some improvement and was almost kind of monotone, and alot of it was really more annoying then funny. but the girls were definatly hot. you should more bare boobs

Not really what I was hoping for.

Not that great,
Where do I start. The jokes were terrible, bad dialogue, and anti-american crap. The art was OK but the animation was weak. In my personal opinion, the most impressive thing in this addition to NG was the blood-splatter. I myself am surprised by the fact that Miss Dynamite has been going on so long, and that it's so popular. If I were the animator, I'd scrap the series, work on my animation, and switch genres to action because of my affinity for gore and lack of good comic material.

Sirkowski responds:

Yeah, you do that.

Good flash film

I like it, but could you please refame from using the N-word pls it's hurting for those who are black like myself. Other than that the episode was good keep up the good work.

Sirkowski responds:

How am I supposed to portray racism without using racist words? You say it hurts, no doubt, but ignoring it is not gonna make it go away. It's just gonna make it worse.


it was ok

muslim people aren't terrorist its a stereotype man