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Reviews for "Ytown Public Original"

i love u man!

yo man your movie kick ass, plz make more!
i'm not saying it's purfecte, but i really liked it and i gave it 5(hope it will help).
anyway i read your profile and u, so far, the coollest flash animator i'v seen. U play guitar, me to, i also like Red Hot Chille Peppers, and i really love your movies.
plz contect me via e-mail, i would love to discuse with u.
my email is RK49@hotamil.com
i hope u will read this someday..

don't worry i'm not crazy, or in love with u or somthing like that, i just have some idias for your flash movies, and i would like to tell u about them, but i don't know your e-mail :-)

Who poured ketchup on the entrance?

Not bad. I wonder how the other episodes will be *goes to watch them*

nice beginning

Well, the drawing is almost flawless. If only the moving parts of the characters (eyes, mouth etc) could be as thick as the bodies' lines, it would be fabulous. Nice story, too.

McRhyme responds:

You're a nice guy. Thanks for all your reviews! It's nice to know that people see the episodes even when they are not steaming new anymore.

I will submit YTOoN PUBLIC #5 tomorrow!!!


thisa is cool and not as good as rest but i relly didnt relly wanna post a revew but scince i did for the rest y not cool any way

I said iwas gonna watch your other movies....

thatnks for the warning at the beginning, even if i was a little slow to turning my speakers down AND I GOT BLASTED!! and im a little slow, so it took me until neuton jumped out the window that i realized that this was almost the same movie as the rock opera. still good though

McRhyme responds:

Yeah, that's one of the reasons I made the new rock opera to relace it! The other reason was that the graphics are worse and story is slow and... a bit too wacked :)