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Reviews for "Paliño"


wow,i never knew a song could make a game so addictive XD. I just kept on playing because of that salsa dance :). P.s. WHERES TEH MARRACAS XD

could be better....

it was nice but it could be really better like the mexican guy was able to move or buy some upgrades like he could buy a bigger basket or a truck(weird but could be fun)

and for the guy who called this game racist?.. wtf? are you a retard?

Not very good

reminds me the old mario games. Like mario cook not like I didnt like it its just that it got boring after a little while.

Cool graphics, polished as always, but after a cou

The first thing that jumped at me was the unoriginality. A near-direct clone of a chicken-based G&W game. And that G&W game has been cloned many a time...

Well, at least this has more colourful graphics and more interesting music...

Talking about the music, it seemed to repeat itself a fair few times before it went into that lighter melody, then looping. I'm not sure if this is some wizardly with the sound object (manually getting stuff to repeat when ended, etc.) or if it's some repetitition in the tune itself.

The twist on the G&W game - pressing space - seemed to introduce a bit of luck and randomness into what's otherwise a game of planning. Not to my tastes. Also, it didn't make thematic sense. Maybe if you were to press space to make the mexican go and another take his place... and you could switch whenever, but it took a certain amount of time... and you had a meter to show how full the basket was... so there'd be a queue of mexicans lining up to steal food.... that'd mebbe be funnier and also make more sense.

I think having stuff you needed to avoid would also help it be more interesting.

Cool graphics, polished as always, but after a couple of goes, I was tired of it again.

humour is for the unintentional humour inherent to the food-dumping.

Not enough.

This doesn't deserve front page. I admit it had a professional look to it, but the gameplay was really boring.
This is just my opinion.

Kenney responds:

Deserve frontpage? Tom Fulp selects all sumbissions that belong on the frontpage, so if he likes this game he's going to put it on the frontpage. It's an opinion matter, not a deserving one.