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Reviews for "Hover Bot Arena"


it was ok...like the guy below me said, games like these need to be more like raiden where there are approximatley 4,569,847,596 weapon upgrades. thats what makes them fun. and the weapon upgrades that you did have were rather boring and predictable. however, afer havig said that, its still a good game, i like how you slide everywhere

Yer quite good

It was fun and a great difficulty level but after awhile it just got boring and pointless

I kinda liked it,,,

It was fun and everything but it got boring, and there was no strategies or anything to it. All you did was randomly bounce from wall to wall and randomly shoot.


It looks and plays fine (except the movement controls were a little strong, no machine should move faster than its bullets) - what irked me is that it was so damn repetetive. I beat the 5-mins level on the first arena, wiped the sweat form my brow and got ready to turn it off after the seemingly inbound 'game finished' screen popped up - and got a whole new arena? It's a big game, sure, but there's nothing DIFFERENT about any of it. You threw in a few minor obstacles like electrified walls and the bosses, but it's all so damn similar it actually became a chore to play.


Is very immediate.