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Reviews for "SBX : Link vs. Vivi"

uve started the war already ..

arrogancy u idiot why the hell did u make that slide commemt about gamecube being better its only started the console war agen on ng and none of us will get along now
cant we all just get along?
i actually prefer ps2 but thats not the point
all the systems have their advantages and disadvantages so they are equal if we keep to that none of them will die out because of fanboys or waatever like taht and the more systems we have the more fun!
ok ok so xbox has better graphics than gamecube and ps2 has final fantasy and gamecubee has the mellee
so what?
i mean this is only this time in the future there cud be much better consoles or the consoles will have better games u cant determine by games or graphics because that can change
and u cant determine by originality either cause that can change
the more we agrue the more chance of at leats 1 of the systems dying out and thta means less fun
(those of u who fink im a dick i dont give a crap)
wudnt it just be better if all the companys just made 1 company to be called somfing like ultimate
then there wud be no more agrueing
in the end im not forcing all those fans to just join up im just saying it is foolsih to argue about this when all the systems have good stuff
jesus that was long sorry guys i just felt i had to say that
anyway pretty good movie link was a bet badly drawn but oh well

wtf is with sephiroth?

he's been in the past two of the series! wtf is even doing in them?


The end was so damn lame...-_-;. And Dark_Paldin was right, Nintindo, is dieing as a company. Though it may never die in the hearts of all you panzies that complain about blood and gore in games, it is dieing. And you all the complain about blood and gore in games need to take your balls and hand them off to someone else, cause your acting like a bitches. I can't believe someone would complain about blood in a video game. I see it as the only reason you complain about blood in games is cause the system you love so dearly(nintendo) has few games that have blood in them. Because its a "Famliy" console. Fuck that I bought my console for me, Not for my "Family". And then you put the systems in order of purchase. Thats fucking lame...no one is going to give a shit about what you got to say about the systems of today. DREAMCAST is dead, Nintendo's GAMECUBE is next. They're just gonna make way for the real gaming consoles like X-box 360, And Playstaion 3. Your just mad because the system you grew up with and can't seem to let go of, suck and you don't want to addmit it. In conclusion Grow up.


Ok let me break down this review

Graphics: I have to admit, great graphics in SOME areas. VERY nice drawings but the only "animation" I saw was that horse thing move the rest was just showing a drawing for like an hour.

Sound: The sound made me feel asleep.

Violence sucked. Very boring fighting. Quite frankly a boring movie. Graphics do not make a good movie.

arrogancy responds:

But according to your profile, a slideshow with music that "makes you fall asleep" DOES make a good flash movie? A movie where someone set a bunch of pictures along with music? Haha!

That makes a whole lot of sense...

GC Sucks

I'm sorry Torchskin, but GC is terrible. All the consoles, besides Gamecube have good games.

Otherwise, good flash :)