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Reviews for "Battlefield General"

Very nicely done

But I have a few criticisms. As an avid strategy gamer, there are a few features I was missing terribly. For instance, your units do not listen to your commands. Several times, I lost all my men because they would not attack the enemies I told them to, or they wouldn't walk away from the enemy. The AI makes them charge in full on, which makes strategizing impossible. You can't take out their archers when your cavalry always go after the nearest troops and get cut to pieces by arrows. Please, if you revise this or make a sequel, PLEASE make them listen to orders.

My only other complaint is the lack of a fast way to get around the battlefield. You can't hotkey groups of units. (You know, ctrl 1 while they are selected) and this makes things a little awkward. All in all, however, a most enjoyable game. I look forward to future submissions!

freeworldgroup responds:

thanks : - ) all units can be selected using hotkeys - just look at the game controls. The soldiers generally listen to orders unless the enemy is too close, in which case they will fight- though you can order them again and they try to retreat - but like real life, they suffer for it.

Very good game just a few problems

I enoyed this game thoroughly but was a bit annoyed with the way sometimes troops dont necessarly listen to you. and get caught on the sides of buildings. I liked the music but after round 2 it became very repetitive and a bit more would make it a 10.

as said needs to be longer

loved it very addicting shouldent be called batfield genrl tho the genrals not very great lol.

but yah good game give it a 5/5

nice but

one major issue was the limit on the max gold i could get, if maybe upgrading the castle gave me more gold to use per lvl it would make the game harder and more fun

I really love this game and I keep playing but it gets on my nerves when the soldiers are to dumb to see hat theres a wall in front of them and wont move out of the way so they can go where I told them to. but anyway great game I really love it and im wondering if you might make a sequal?