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Reviews for "Battlefield General"

It's about time!

I'm enthralled to finnaly see a flash RTS. I have always been a fan of the genre and have been hoping to see something like this for a while. The other people beefed on you for bugs and crappy graphics, but it's a flash game! You need to take that into account when you review one. But great job FWG, maybe you could make a sequel?

Great premise better execution

Nice game i loved the way you pulled it off. But there are LOTS of glitches, like the Ai is on an auto track situation and theyll rush into battle no matter how much clicking you do to try and stop it. Also the cannons have NO attack :( I attacked with them at the start of the game and loved them but then they wotn attack anymore either they get stuck on a wall(im assuming thats what happens) or nothing at all happens and its annoying -.-

Great concept, needs touch ups.

This is a very nice concept, there aren't many good flash WC3 wannabe games out there, and you can't expect too much from a flash game in this kind of category, either way, here we go.

Graphics- This is a time-killer flash game, and not WC3. The graphics were perfectly fine for the game, so I gave it a 9. You want better graphics go play starcraft or something.

Style- I just don't get why people don't make more of these games, as I'd expect them to be super popular. 10 of 10.

Sound- Yea, the music gets to you a little, something a little less.... "hyper" would be great.

Violence- Games based on war, so of course you get some violence, but its not gruesome at all.

Interactivity- I am personally an avid WC3 player, and maybe that is why I think this is a great game, but has some major flaws. It's completely interactive, and the player controls everything and every action, GREAT. The problem lies in the AI and the micro. Without being able to set custom groups it makes strategic micro-managing virtually impossible, good micro at least.. (I am going to assume that this was your main goal of the game, a game based on micro-managing and strategy, again similar to starcraft or warcraft.) The AI auto-attack is necessary, but I found it rather ridiculous how stubborn the AI is LOL. I'm not sure how close the general has to be for the units to get his bonus, and to avoid the general (who is much faster than then infantry) from charging into combat and committing suicide I obviously had the infantry go first, then have the general "patrol" in a line back and forth behind the front line. This took some massive clicking, and even then, the AI often takes the general into combat, then its virtually impossible to pull him out without pulling everyone out, and when you pull everyone out this takes more massive clicking and more often than not your units will ignore your commands, and just engage the enemy again. As someone said earlier, if you just had a button or something that would make your command have priority over the AI, tons of problems would be solved. Although custom grouping is not necessary, it would be a great improvement to the gameplay, even though I believe at least the general should have a "hotkey". Also fixing the "pathing" of units would be a nice touch. I know you can hold ctrl to make custom paths, but in the heat of a battle more often than not one or more of my units happen to get "stuck" behind a tower or the castle or whatever and its a real pain in the ass to try to select that one guy and manually move him around, especially if an enemy is nearby and the AI is aching to fight. If you can manage to fix these problems, I see no reason for you to get a score of nothing less than a 15 out of 10.

Humor- Self explanitory, No real "ha-ha"s. 0/10

Overall- GREAT GAME! GREAT CONCEPT! Make the micro-ing more user friendly and you have a perfect game on your hands.

nice game

that was a pretty fun game. this one was a lot of fun to play, nice plot and concept to it, especially since its based on the timeline of the Qin Dynasty... don't think i've seen any games based on that time period.. so this one is quite original. the game itself offered a very nice challenge to it, was a good time killer and its something i'll definitely play on a regular basis.
good work on this one. glad to see it on the NG front page and win an award.


Not bad, although it is very annoying how the AI of your units overrides your commands. Once your guys see the enemy, you hafta click like made to make them retreat (if you can at all). I lost my general a few times like this.

Music gets annoying fast too. Other than that its decent.