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Reviews for "George Dubya Is Not A Fascist"

this is great

equals rightbracket

lessthan3 responds:


Bush if a fucker

Yeah, Bush pretty much fucked up the country. I love this song. I'm living in America (like in the Rammstein song) but I want to leave. I can't believe anyone voted for him. I'm going to CANADA! I'll see you guys there!

lessthan3 responds:

But we're *all* living in Amerika.

Not all of America suxs

CA got like a 90-10 vote for Kerry, cuz we all think bush suxs too! Awsome song. VERY orginal.
Great work... yada yada yada....
Wanna post the lyrics?

lessthan3 responds:

Phil: The following song may be offensive to some listeners. We suggest you turn it off if you don't like it. <3 does not support facism, communism or Neo-Beethovenism. Thank you for your attention.

Bush: When America uses force in the world...

Phil: And when don't they really? C'mon.

Bush: A President himself must be responsible...

Phil: He's gonna git him some!

Bush: Always seeing the tunnel at the end of the light...

Phil: What the hell did he just say?

Bush: Damn the consequences.

Phil: Voiceovers are cool

George Dubya is not a facist
You're giving facists a bad name
They may be a bunch of evil pricks
But at least they've got a brain

Phil: We the people of <3 would like to say that we tried to write a song about social issues and this is what happened, so we should probably stop. To those unintentionally offended, we apologize, however, to those intentionally offended ie: those who voted for George Dubya in the last American election we have the following to say: What the hell were you thinking you dumbass Americans? I'm glad I'm Canadian.

Bush: I don't have enemies to fight.

Phil: You have people to liberate.

Bush: But it won't be long now.

Phil: Yup.

Bush: You will know my reasons.

Phil: I really don't.

Bush: There's only one answer.

Phil: You're a retard.

George Dubya is not a facist
Hitler and Mussolini would be ashamed
To be lumped with that dumb Texan
They were evil, but they had a brain

We the people of <3 would like to say that as Canadians, we are totally unaffected by American political decisions and (quite frankly) don't think you can get a good American president, but please: for the sake of facists and those aspiring to become so, please don't compare Bush to the hardworking men and women of facism. It's not fair to the facists. Oh, and please don't 'liberate' us for saying so.

Bush: God bless America.


I love your music

soo original, canada clearly has the best music artists unless your not from canada then i dont care.

Make more!

lessthan3 responds:

This review made Phil shoot Coke Zero out his nose.

Freekin awesome

George bush is retarded. I want out of this damn country so i can watch it implode on itself later and laugh. I am so going to buy your albums when theyre released if you release any. In fact. ill give you my email (ever_cleric@yahoo.com) and you should notify me when/if you do/dont realease an album. Ill tell all my friends who you are too. YOU ROXXORZ! btw, my fav song is the song about nothing, oddly enough :P

lessthan3 responds:

Yeah, even though Less Than Three is kinda our theme song, Song About Nothing is really our theme song...y'know?

Glad we roxxorz. Whatever that means.