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Reviews for "Sea of Fire"


it was a good free game

good strategy for those haveing problems

1.do not wait for enemy to run out of money(they usually start with 30k for easier i think)
2.always build financial and make more money
3.(good for snow fall and silicon)build 4 def stations,2 financial,and fill the rest with barracks,then build the least expensive soldiers nonstop to hold off the troops while building cash per second up and getting your stockpile to about 20-30k,then delete the defence and financial,fill squares with barracks and make any soldier you want at nonstop to kill them(i used 2 motorcycles and the rest soldiers)
4.being patient is the key(defence is good when fighting aircraft)
5.when fighting a aircraft base such as the silicon,stockpile and rebuild when you have to but remember to build at least 3 base def and 3 air then build a financial and stockpile.after you have(once again 20-30k)then delete all defs and financial and in their place build 4 barracks and 3 airbases.
6.always fight smart and aggressive only when you can afford it.
7.thats all i have now will update in a diff review after beating easy XD.

Woah, good game.

Okay this was a very entertaining game. I loved the strategy of it, and stuff but there were a few complaints. First of all, everything was so small!, I could barely see the bars and stuff. Second of all the space between the bases was too long, so if you ever messed up and your stream of troops stops for a second, the enemy just rebuilds everything. Which i found to be really annoying because the enemy seemed to have unlimited money. The only way i won a level was in skirmish mode, and by the end i had five airports and all the upgrades and i had a constant stream of 2 tanks and 5 heavy bombers. The enemy never even got to my base, but they just kept rebuilding and rebuilding! it was so annoyingly long. If the space had been shorter, the game would have been faster and much easier. I played on easy mode and had a hard time. I think the AI needs some toning down. Perhaps make it so they can't keep rebuilding, or give them a sum of money too, because it's really not fair how they can keep making things. Also, make it so when your troops hit their base it does more damage. This game would be sooooo good if it wasn't so ridiculously hard.

Thank You

A very nice game, plenty building to make and stays fresh for a long time. Only two problems!

1.) Instructions Text was hard to read..
2.) No music turn off

not bad

I liked it, minus the fact that I could walk away from my computer while it my army slowly gained money to send out more soldiers. I set up 2 or 3 missile launchers, and then that's it for the beginning. Waves of soldiers until both sides are out of money so that slows all progress down...
We're not suppose to be sucked onto our screens just to hurry up and wait... make the income a little more at a time, like when you blow up one of the enemies buildings, or kill a soldier, etc, etc.