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Reviews for "Love Dating Sim 2"

Love it!

Great game. but why can`t anyone date Fantom? Why? Anyhow, I tried getting Tia to date me but no matter how much exsperience I get she doesn`t want to go out! I got more than 2,000 exsperience, I`m really confused. But besides that I really liked the game, please do reply. ^^;

Bomee responds:

hi :) please look at the walkthrough at nummyz.com :) they can be dated :)

Happy cakes for all!

I am so fond of these games, and so have I been since they started. Oh yes. -mumbles incoherently- And this is why I would dearly like to be able to play it thoroughly; that includes dating the mysterious and oh-so schmexy forest dweller. I cannot find this walkthrough you speak of, though I have searched. Perhaps you can provide me with a link.

Bomee responds:

http://www.nummyz.com/my%20cu p%20cheat%20code.doc

there it is :)

Finally. A good dating sim for girls!

I love this game. I've played your other one, which was okay. I played your demo version of Garrick's story on your site, but on the finished version, will you really have to buy a date with Fox?

Good Game, Keep it up!

This was a good game. =3 I got Fantom's best ending. I feel acomplished. But I never could get it again. Lol. Although, it was a good game all in all. So. Keep it up. I can't wait for the next one even though you already made the boy version. I love your games. No sex in the sims.. Wow! Your my hero! ^_^ Your a new kind of game designer. XD Lol. I look foward to your next game. I really do. Please keep it up. Your fans love you. =3 Make plenty to keep us fed.


your sim dates make much more sence than anybody! i normally hate sim dates 'cuz they are just for boys who don't realy know what's being in a real date. anyways keep up the good work!!

well bye gota get drunk!