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Reviews for "sam man no1"


AAAAAaahaaaaahaahahahaahahahah aahhaahahaahahahahaahahaahahah ahaahaahahaahahahahaahahaahaha hahaahahahahaahahahahahahaahah aahahahahahahahaahahahahaahaha hahaahahahahaahahahaahahaha(la ughs so much he laughs out of his chair) ahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahahaahaahahahahahaah ahahahaahahahahaahahaahahaahah aahahahahhahaah(sonic killer: Explodes!!) sonic killers lives X98(appears) oh man i just wasted a life. man that was funny ass shit!


make more

someone remind me never to take speed!

that was one of the funniest things i have ever seen. that sound effects were perfect and the way you had goku speaking at such a perfect tone was well... perfect. the ending to the battle had to be the best ending to any dbz fight. hope to see more.

great job :)

Personally, I don't see why some people are giving you horrific raitings for this....it's a very good movie! The sound effects done by people added to the overall humor of the movie. As for Goku's voice, priceless. I loved it..it's amazing that someone could say all those things at such a speed and not mess up. As for the ending, it was great. Excellent work.


Absolute classic!! I thought this was brilliant!!! Especially the single ow at the end!! The sound was muffled but I still thought that it was fantastic!!