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Reviews for "Castle III part C"

A Serious Review.

This review pertains to parts A, B, and C.

First off, there are things that need to be said in general before I really get at the review. Anything said below is just constructive criticism, and in the end the Castle series is probably the best series ever done on flash and I mean that with all sincerity. The scrip is purely original. It is so original that I suggest that if you can keep that originality up, then you should go into the movie industry or some other art film business. The second thing I must say before moving on is that stick figures, as crude as they may be, are perfect for flash. Anyone that wants to complain about them can’t and shouldn’t be allowed to with this movie. They match your movie’s style so well, that having to do characters in any other style would be a strain. That is because the only reasonable left over option would be detailed black, white, and gray scale characters that match the backgrounds; and let’s face it, that would take way too long. Now on to the review. (Excuse me for the previous fragmented sentence and any that might occur after this one.)

Graphics: 9.5 out of 10 = 10
Reason: The stick figures, while mentioned before as the best choice for your flash’s style, can and still actually are quite a pain to see for too long. However, it is such a minor detail when compared to the work as a whole that it will not and should not drop your Graphics score to lower than a 10. Backgrounds are gorgeous and fit perfectly into the story line, the occasional color reminds us that whatever is in color is an important feature.

Sound: 8 out of 10 = 8
Reason: There are times when the sound is too soft in some areas and too loud in some, but when you think about it, it’s the same way with Hollywood. Mostly the 2 points are lost due to the music choice. While techno does fit well with your style, a robotic techno, which you inserted towards the end, is not one hundred percent proper. Music is very important to a movie and even a flash. It can sway the emotions of your viewers and get them hyped up for an intense scene or even more tense from fear or suspense. I believe you should’ve used some suspenseful music or sounds when the cast first invaded the castle. That was the mood that was portrayed there, yet no music was there to help boost that emotion.

Interactivity: Invalid.
Reason: None needed in a movie. Will not count towards the average score.

Style: 9 out of 10 = 9.
Reason: The black and white style is sometimes over played or misused. In this case it was neither, however you missed out on a feature of using this style. That feature is color, ironically enough. A perfect example is in the movie Schindler's List, where only the fire on the Jewish candle was shown in color to represent many things that I do not need to get into with this review. The point I am trying to get at is that you did not utilize this power effectively and thus you lose one point. Even though it was never your aim, it is still something worth considering when using this style.

Violence: 9 out of 10 = 10.
Reason: Not much needed to be said here. People love violence, its human nature. 1 point lost, because part B only had a door explode.

Humor: Invalid.
Reason: Comic relief was not needed in this film, neither was humor in any form. Same rule applies here as with Interactivity, will not count towards average.

Overall: 9

I can't give anyone a 10, because nothing in life is perfect and a 10 out of 10 indicates that it is perfect or too close to perfect to be given that score. So really, 9 is best.

One last thing: One actual word of advice/hope. When you actually end this movie, try not to leave on too much a cliffhanger. I am very anxious to see if the world resource problem will be solved and what exactly that “black ball” was. But I am sure these will be answered in later parts. I had much more to say, but I ran out of my 4,096 characters that are allowed in this review, which might be too much. Any response is appreciated.

Keep up the good work.

Thank you,
It’s a flash! And it’s Free! Awesome

Get-lost responds:

First of all, thanks for taking time to write such a constructive review, it really helps.

Even though your advice, that the next part is the last, and it does end with a giant cliffhanger, and more questions will come. You might be able to figure out what the black orb really is if you view the Prologue to the series, check my other submissions to find it. I'll obviously continue to animate the series but it will take some time for the next installment to be completed.

Thanks again for the review :)

A flash with a story.

Finally someone who puts his mind into making a series with a storyline.
On top of that you have done it with great animations, super music that fits with the action a load bunch of cool action scenes and a ok job on the voiceacting.

The professor unfolding the truth about the inscriptions just a second 2 late is movie material itself so good job.


Best animated stick-figure series.

This episode is one of the best of the series, with exception of some cliches. I love the main characters and story in this animation, completely enjoyable. I keep wondering what's going to happen because, while some notions seem a bit old, I really don't know what will happen next. Grand animation, overall fantastic. Really, just great.

Great job

This is one of the best Stick Figure movies yet! And Puritania is the best choice of song for the battle. I liked the idea of having an invisible scene select button. Anyway great job. I can't wait till the next Castle!

Get-lost responds:


Very nice, evan my girlfriend liked this one.

It's rare for me to like a non-comic movieas much as I liked this one, very well indeed. The voice acting could have been better but thats about it. This is a truely awesome piece of work.