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Reviews for "Socklops"


I pretty much think that xvegetax covered it all up. Other than that, some parts I didn't understand, but that's what makes your style of animations good. You're a good animator, maybe you should look more into making full length animations.

*Pervey grin*

Once again the sexyness of your submission/work/ART has left my testicles dry.

Yes a disgusting way to say its blooming good, but i feel no other words have the same effect.

One thing i love people saying
"What are joo doin, thsi SUKZ, GO BK TO SLADFINGERZ".

Idiots, as the saying goes, dont tell the Zombie how to be a Zombie


I totally identify with the guy at the end with the golden circlet. You can achieve that by closingyour eyes and pressing your fists against them. Try it! Try it now!

Not half Bad

Normally I dont really like your work. For example the "salad finger" stuff...rubbish.As a surrealist myself, I found it very...well...stupid.
This wasn't bad, but the compositions could be waaay better.
We have a similair taste in music, altho you probably just listen it becouse it sounds "disturbing" and not becouse its beautifull.
The "dark twisted aura surreal" is been done to death!

Try some light-aura surreality,or something ORIGINAL! Improve on your animation,tweening isn't really animating. I'm not saying I can animate better,but for someone who gets frontpage alot,I'd expect more.

Not half bad...

A Deserving 10

To Mr. D.F

Oh dear, I don't know how to start. Hmm. Okay, the first thing I assumed, (and never assume) when watching this, was that it was going to end up being just another deeply disturbing, rant of the mind. While watching through, I discovered that it was not in fact, just another firth film, it was, to say the least... magnificent. I can't begin to imagine how difficult it would be to create a peice this absolutely stylish, witty, dark and complex, yet simple and soothing at the same time.

nearing the end, the main character, or narrator decides to touch his hip bones, in order to shrink himself. When watching this, i couldn't help to think about alice and wonderland. I'm fairly sure the creator of Alice was on acid, and if you, my friend...were not on acid, i'd be forced to say that you are one smart Mother F***ing Cookie. Or you're brain fried, either / or. The one thing I loved about this scene, was the amounts of shivers I got, when I thought about everything there is to be thought about and the vastness of everything that could be possibly thought about, and I'm sure others feel the same when they watch that part, it's inspiration in a barrel, it's candy and I'm a kid.

One last thing I'd like to say before I finish and you don't read this review, you grow old apart from me, and we die two very stylish but completely seperate and irrelivant deaths, is that I love your ability to attract people that write decent things about your work. Yeah, sure, you do get some people saying stuff like "wow, your insane" and "whoah this is dark, lollololololol". But you do actually, once in a blue moon, or once every few reviews in this case, get someone who was either truely touched by your mind or felt uplifted and inspired to create like I did.

I'm tired, it's 5:10 Am, theres Sonic booms and white light outside, just like there is in my head. Time to wrap it up

Graphics 10: God smite me, it's superb.
Style 10: [Picture of man with sun glasses]
Sound 9: Smooth, calming music. Situationally stimulating.
Violence 7: touch of tomato sauce here and there
Interactivity 0: Interactivity can go suck one.
Humor 2: I didn't laugh, but it was comical.

OVERALL 10: My fellow human, if anyone deserves a salute, it's you...for making this flash. I will be completely honest here and say that for once I am not giving this a 10, because I'm a fan of your work, or just because you deserve thanks for your work. I'm rating it on how it is made up. In my opinion, the only thing's that should be overlooked in a flash is the graphics, style and sound. Even then, that wouldn't be the appropriate cattegories for rating a flash my way. You'd need one single factor to rate it my way, and that factor would be the one that makes me feel different physically, the one that uplifts and makes you think. The real noggin penetrator, the real thing, the Radar that points to creations of pure bliss and submerged dark. the real rarities of a mind and the gut of the iceberg.

You, Mr. Firth...have done it. Congratulations.